[PATCH v2 0/1] binfmt_elf: seal address zero

From: jeffxu
Date: Tue Aug 06 2024 - 17:49:44 EST

From: Jeff Xu <jeffxu@xxxxxxxxxxxx>

In load_elf_binary as part of the execve(), when the current
task’s personality has MMAP_PAGE_ZERO set, the kernel allocates
one page at address 0. According to the comment:

/* Why this, you ask??? Well SVr4 maps page 0 as read-only,
and some applications "depend" upon this behavior.
Since we do not have the power to recompile these, we
emulate the SVr4 behavior. Sigh. */

At one point, Linus suggested removing this [1].

Code search in debian didn't see much use of MMAP_PAGE_ZERO [2],
it exists in util and test (rr).

Sealing this is probably safe, the comment doesn’t say
the app ever wanting to change the mapping to rwx. Sealing
also ensures that never happens.

[1] https://lore.kernel.org/lkml/CAHk-=whVa=nm_GW=NVfPHqcxDbWt4JjjK1YWb0cLjO4ZSGyiDA@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx/
[2] https://codesearch.debian.net/search?q=MMAP_PAGE_ZERO&literal=1&perpkg=1&page=1

Jeff Xu (1):
binfmt_elf: mseal address zero

fs/binfmt_elf.c | 5 +++++
include/linux/mm.h | 10 ++++++++++
mm/mseal.c | 2 +-
3 files changed, 16 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
