Re: [PATCH v4 09/28] rust: alloc: implement kernel `Box`
From: Benno Lossin
Date: Wed Aug 07 2024 - 03:49:49 EST
On 07.08.24 01:01, Danilo Krummrich wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 06, 2024 at 07:47:17PM +0000, Benno Lossin wrote:
>> On 05.08.24 17:19, Danilo Krummrich wrote:
>>> `Box` provides the simplest way to allocate memory for a generic type
>>> with one of the kernel's allocators, e.g. `Kmalloc`, `Vmalloc` or
>>> `KVmalloc`.
>>> In contrast to Rust's `Box` type, the kernel `Box` type considers the
>>> kernel's GFP flags for all appropriate functions, always reports
>>> allocation failures through `Result<_, AllocError>` and remains
>>> independent from unstable features.
>>> Signed-off-by: Danilo Krummrich <dakr@xxxxxxxxxx>
>>> ---
>>> rust/kernel/ | 6 +
>>> rust/kernel/alloc/ | 330 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>>> rust/kernel/ | 35 +++-
>>> rust/kernel/ | 2 +-
>>> rust/kernel/ | 56 +++++++
>>> 5 files changed, 427 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
>>> create mode 100644 rust/kernel/alloc/
>>> diff --git a/rust/kernel/ b/rust/kernel/
>>> index 942e2755f217..d7beaf0372af 100644
>>> --- a/rust/kernel/
>>> +++ b/rust/kernel/
>>> @@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
>>> #[cfg(not(any(test, testlib)))]
>>> pub mod allocator;
>>> pub mod box_ext;
>>> +pub mod kbox;
>>> pub mod vec_ext;
>>> #[cfg(any(test, testlib))]
>>> @@ -13,6 +14,11 @@
>>> #[cfg(any(test, testlib))]
>>> pub use self::allocator_test as allocator;
>>> +pub use self::kbox::Box;
>>> +pub use self::kbox::KBox;
>>> +pub use self::kbox::KVBox;
>>> +pub use self::kbox::VBox;
>>> +
>>> /// Indicates an allocation error.
>>> #[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
>>> pub struct AllocError;
>>> diff --git a/rust/kernel/alloc/ b/rust/kernel/alloc/
>>> new file mode 100644
>>> index 000000000000..4a4379980745
>>> --- /dev/null
>>> +++ b/rust/kernel/alloc/
>>> @@ -0,0 +1,330 @@
>>> +// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
>>> +
>>> +//! Implementation of [`Box`].
>>> +
>>> +use super::{AllocError, Allocator, Flags};
>>> +use core::fmt;
>>> +use core::marker::PhantomData;
>>> +use core::mem::ManuallyDrop;
>>> +use core::mem::MaybeUninit;
>>> +use core::ops::{Deref, DerefMut};
>>> +use core::pin::Pin;
>>> +use core::result::Result;
>>> +
>>> +use crate::types::Unique;
>>> +
>>> +/// The kernel's [`Box`] type.
>>> +///
>>> +/// `Box` provides the simplest way to allocate memory for a generic type with one of the kernel's
>>> +/// allocators, e.g. `Kmalloc`, `Vmalloc` or `KVmalloc`.
>>> +///
>>> +/// For non-zero-sized values, a [`Box`] will use the given allocator `A` for its allocation. For
>>> +/// the most common allocators the type aliases `KBox`, `VBox` and `KVBox` exist.
>>> +///
>>> +/// It is valid to convert both ways between a [`Box`] and a raw pointer allocated with any
>>> +/// `Allocator`, given that the `Layout` used with the allocator is correct for the type.
>>> +///
>>> +/// For zero-sized values the [`Box`]' pointer must be `dangling_mut::<T>`; no memory is allocated.
>> Why do we need this to be in the docs?
> Probably not - do you suggest to remove it entirely? Otherwise, where do you
> think we should move it?
I would remove it, since it's just implementation detail and
>>> +impl<T, A> Box<T, A>
>>> +where
>>> + T: ?Sized,
>>> + A: Allocator,
>>> +{
>>> + /// Constructs a `Box<T, A>` from a raw pointer.
>>> + ///
>>> + /// # Safety
>>> + ///
>>> + /// `raw` must point to valid memory, previously allocated with `A`, and at least the size of
>>> + /// type `T`.
>> With this requirement and the invariant on `Box`, I am lead to believe
>> that you can't use this for ZSTs, since they are not allocated with `A`.
>> One solution would be to adjust this requirement. But I would rather use
>> a different solution: we move the dangling pointer stuff into the
>> allocator and also call it when `T` is a ZST (ie don't special case them
>> in `Box` but in the impls of `Allocator`). That way this can stay as-is
>> and the part about ZSTs in the invariant can be removed.
> Actually, we already got that. Every zero sized allocation will return a
> dangling pointer. However, we can't call `Allocator::free` with (any) dangling
> pointer though.
The last part is rather problematic in my opinion, since the safety
requirements of the functions in `Allocator` don't ensure that you're
not allowed to do it. We should make it possible to free dangling
pointers that were previously "allocated" by the allocator (ie returned
by `realloc`).
Maybe we do need an `old_layout` parameter for that (that way we can
also `debug_assert_eq!(old_layout.align(), new_layout.align())`).
>>> + {
>>> + Ok(Self::new(x, flags)?.into())
>>> + }
>>> +
>>> + /// Drops the contents, but keeps the allocation.
>>> + ///
>>> + /// # Examples
>>> + ///
>>> + /// ```
>>> + /// let value = KBox::new([0; 32], GFP_KERNEL)?;
>>> + /// assert_eq!(*value, [0; 32]);
>>> + /// let value = KBox::drop_contents(value);
>>> + /// // Now we can re-use `value`:
>>> + /// let value = KBox::write(value, [1; 32]);
>>> + /// assert_eq!(*value, [1; 32]);
>>> + /// # Ok::<(), Error>(())
>>> + /// ```
>>> + pub fn drop_contents(this: Self) -> Box<MaybeUninit<T>, A> {
>>> + let ptr = Box::into_raw(this);
>>> + // SAFETY: `ptr` is valid, because it came from `Box::into_raw`.
>>> + unsafe { core::ptr::drop_in_place(ptr) };
>>> + // SAFETY: `ptr` is valid, because it came from `Box::into_raw`.
>>> + unsafe { Box::from_raw(ptr.cast()) }
>>> + }
>> I don't particularly care in this instance, but you just took my patch
>> and folded it into your own without asking me or specifying it in the
>> commit message. In general I would have assumed that you just put the
>> entire patch into the series (with correct From:... etc).
> When I asked about this in [1] my understanding was that we expect [1] to land
> prior to this series. So, I'm just anticipating a future rebase where I move
> this code from to, just like Alice suggested for her
> "ForeignOwnable for Pin<crate::alloc::Box<T, A>>" implementation.
> I also understand your later reply, where you said: "[...] then you can just
> include it when you remove the `BoxExit` trait." as confirmation.
> Probably that's a misunderstanding though. Sorry if that's the case.
Yeah what I meant by that was you base it on top and then move it from
the `BoxExt` trait over to `Box` in a correctly attributed patch. As I
said above, I don't really mind in this case, since it's trivial, so no
worries. Just a heads-up for occasions where it is non-trivial.
> [1]
>>> +}
>>> +
>>> +impl<T, A> From<Box<T, A>> for Pin<Box<T, A>>
>>> +where
>>> + T: ?Sized,
>>> + A: Allocator,
>>> + A: 'static,
>>> +{
>>> + /// Converts a `Box<T>` into a `Pin<Box<T>>`. If `T` does not implement [`Unpin`], then
>>> + /// `*boxed` will be pinned in memory and unable to be moved.
>>> + ///
>>> + /// This conversion does not allocate on the heap and happens in place.
>>> + ///
>>> + /// This is also available via [`Box::into_pin`].
>>> + ///
>>> + /// Constructing and pinning a `Box` with <code><Pin<Box\<T>>>::from([Box::new]\(x))</code>
>>> + /// can also be written more concisely using <code>[Box::pin]\(x)</code>.
>>> + /// This `From` implementation is useful if you already have a `Box<T>`, or you are
>>> + /// constructing a (pinned) `Box` in a different way than with [`Box::new`].
>> This also looks very much like something from the stdlib...
> Yeah, I'll replace that.
>>> + fn from(b: Box<T, A>) -> Self {
>>> + Box::into_pin(b)
>>> + }
>>> +}
>>> +
>>> +impl<T, A> Deref for Box<T, A>
>>> +where
>>> + T: ?Sized,
>>> + A: Allocator,
>>> +{
>>> + type Target = T;
>>> +
>>> + fn deref(&self) -> &T {
>>> + // SAFETY: `self.0` is always properly aligned, dereferenceable and points to an initialized
>>> + // instance of `T`.
>> If `T` is a ZST, then it is not dereferenceable.
> Why not? If `T` is a ZST `self.0` is `Unique::<T>::dangling()`. So, in the end
> this is the same as `NonNull::<T>::dangling().as_ref()`.
You are right, I just looked at [1] again and they define
dereferenceable as "the memory range of the given size starting at the
pointer must all be within the bounds of a single allocated object", for
a zero-sized allocation, this holds vacuously.
>>> + unsafe { self.0.as_ref() }
>>> + }
>>> +}
>>> +
>>> +impl<T, A> DerefMut for Box<T, A>
>>> +where
>>> + T: ?Sized,
>>> + A: Allocator,
>>> +{
>>> + fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T {
>>> + // SAFETY: `self.0` is always properly aligned, dereferenceable and points to an initialized
>>> + // instance of `T`.
>>> + unsafe { self.0.as_mut() }
>>> + }
>>> +}
>>> +
>>> +impl<T, A> fmt::Debug for Box<T, A>
>>> +where
>>> + T: ?Sized + fmt::Debug,
>>> + A: Allocator,
>>> +{
>>> + fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
>>> + fmt::Debug::fmt(&**self, f)
>>> + }
>>> +}
>>> +
>>> +impl<T, A> Drop for Box<T, A>
>>> +where
>>> + T: ?Sized,
>>> + A: Allocator,
>>> +{
>>> + fn drop(&mut self) {
>>> + let ptr = self.0.as_ptr();
>>> +
>>> + // SAFETY: `ptr` is always properly aligned, dereferenceable and points to an initialized
>>> + // instance of `T`.
>>> + let size = unsafe { core::mem::size_of_val(&*ptr) };
>> 1. `size_of_val` is not `unsafe`.
> Right, but dereferencing the `ptr` is unsafe.
>> 2. why not use `&*self` instead of using the raw pointer? (then move the
>> let binding below this line)
> If we ever support non-ZST `Allocator`s using `self` would not always evaluate
> to the correct size. I think evaluating the size of `T` rather than `Box<T>` is
> the correct thing to do.
I mean use `Box::deref` (that's what `&*self` should do), you don't need
to repeat the same SAFETY comment when it already is wrapped by a safe