Re: [PATCH v1 1/2] media: camss: Increase the maximum frame size

From: Bryan O'Donoghue
Date: Wed Aug 07 2024 - 04:16:59 EST

On 07/08/2024 00:09, Bryan O'Donoghue wrote:

Also increase the maximum size checks at each point in the pipeline so
the increased sizes are allowed all the way down to the sensor.

So, I think this should be a Fixes: also.

TL;DR we don't need a Fixes: for your v2.

Pardon me, not a Fixes: the sizeof(sensor) that can be supported is SoC specific - camera IP specific really - so 8192 is a blunt descriptor, raising to 16384 makes some kind of sense.

A long term fix for this would be for each camss descriptor to declare the maximum sizeof(sensor) it supports. For sm8250, sc8280xp that's 64 megapixels - for older SoCs its going to be smaller.
