Re: [PATCH v2 1/2] Handle flushing of CPU backtraces during panic

From: takakura
Date: Wed Aug 07 2024 - 05:00:30 EST

Hi John and Petr,

On 2024-08-05, John Ogness wrote:
>On 2024-08-03, takakura@xxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
>> From: Ryo Takakura <takakura@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>> After panic, non-panicked CPU's has been unable to flush ringbuffer
>> while they can still write into it. This can affect CPU backtrace
>> triggered in panic only able to write into ringbuffer incapable of
>> flushing them.
>Right now, they cannot write to it. If you apply your second patch
>before this one, then the above statement is true.
>Perhaps the ordering of the two patches should be reversed?

Yes, that is true. Thanks!
I'll send the patches in the reverse order for next version.

>Either way, for the series:
>Reviewed-by: John Ogness <john.ogness@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Ryo Takakura