Re: [PATCH] dt-bindings: timer: nxp,lpc3220-timer: Convert to dtschema

From: Krzysztof Kozlowski
Date: Wed Aug 07 2024 - 05:46:09 EST

On 07/08/2024 10:41, Vladimir Zapolskiy wrote:
> On 8/7/24 09:01, Krzysztof Kozlowski wrote:
>> On 06/08/2024 22:13, Vladimir Zapolskiy wrote:
>>>> +
>>>> + reg:
>>>> + maxItems: 1
>>>> +
>>>> + interrupts:
>>>> + maxItems: 1
>>>> +
>>>> + clocks:
>>>> + maxItems: 1
>>>> +
>>>> + clock-names:
>>>> + const: timerclk
>>>> +
>>>> + resets:
>>>> + maxItems: 1
>>>> +
>>>> +required:
>>>> + - compatible
>>>> + - reg
>>>> + - interrupts
>>>> + - clocks
>>>> + - clock-names
>>> Since there is always just a single supply clock, there is no need to
>>> specify "clock-names" as a required one, please change it.
>> ??? That's a conversion. Why do you expect changing several DTS files
>> and maybe also driver? That's not needed for conversion. No.
> I do not expect changing any DTS files, why? But I would be glad to see that
> the clock-names property becomes optional in the first place and therefore
> before the conversion.

OK, DTS does not have to be changed, but:
1. Old binding said it is required.
2. Kernel depends on this being required.

Best regards,