On 06/08/2024 4:02 pm, Steve Clevenger wrote:
On 8/6/2024 2:57 AM, James Clark wrote:
On 06/08/2024 10:47 am, James Clark wrote:
On 06/08/2024 8:02 am, Ganapatrao Kulkarni wrote:
On 05-08-2024 07:29 pm, James Clark wrote:
On 05/08/2024 1:22 pm, Ganapatrao Kulkarni wrote:
On 01-08-2024 03:30 pm, James Clark wrote:
On 24/07/2024 3:45 pm, James Clark wrote:
On 24/07/2024 7:38 am, Ganapatrao Kulkarni wrote:
On 23-07-2024 09:16 pm, James Clark wrote:
On 23/07/2024 4:26 pm, Ganapatrao Kulkarni wrote:
On 23-07-2024 06:40 pm, James Clark wrote:
On 22/07/2024 11:02 am, Ganapatrao Kulkarni wrote:
Hi James,
On 19-07-2024 08:09 pm, James Clark wrote:
On 19/07/2024 10:26 am, Ganapatrao Kulkarni wrote:
To generate the instruction tracing, script uses 2
contiguous packets
address range. If there a continuity brake due to
discontiguous branch
address, it is required to reset the tracing and start
tracing with the
new set of contiguous packets.
Adding change to identify the break and complete the
remaining tracing
of current packets and restart tracing from new set of
packets, if
continuity is established.
Hi Ganapatrao,
Can you add a before and after example of what's changed to
the commit message? It wasn't immediately obvious to me if
this is adding missing output, or it was correcting the
tail end of the output that was previously wrong.
It is adding tail end of the trace as well avoiding the
segfault of the perf application. With out this change the
perf segfaults with as below log
./perf script
--script=python:./scripts/python/arm-cs-trace-disasm.py --
-d objdump -k ../../vmlinux -v $* > dump
objdump: error: the stop address should be after the start
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./scripts/python/arm-cs-trace-disasm.py", line 271,
in process_event
print_disam(dso_fname, dso_vm_start, start_addr,
File "./scripts/python/arm-cs-trace-disasm.py", line 105,
in print_disam
for line in read_disam(dso_fname, dso_start,
start_addr, stop_addr):
File "./scripts/python/arm-cs-trace-disasm.py", line 99,
in read_disam
disasm_output =
File "/usr/lib64/python3.12/subprocess.py", line 466, in
return run(*popenargs, stdout=PIPE, timeout=timeout,
File "/usr/lib64/python3.12/subprocess.py", line 571, in run
raise CalledProcessError(retcode, process.args,
subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['objdump', '-d',
'-z', '--start-address=0xffff80008125b758',
'--stop-address=0xffff80008125a934', '../../vmlinux']'
returned non-zero exit status 1.
Fatal Python error: handler_call_die: problem in Python
trace event handler
Python runtime state: initialized
Current thread 0x0000ffffb05054e0 (most recent call first):
<no Python frame>
Extension modules: perf_trace_context, systemd._journal,
systemd._reader, systemd.id128, report._py3report,
_dbus_bindings, problem._py3abrt (total: 7)
Aborted (core dumped)
Signed-off-by: Ganapatrao Kulkarni
tools/perf/scripts/python/arm-cs-trace-disasm.py | 10
1 file changed, 10 insertions(+)
diff --git
index d973c2baed1c..ad10cee2c35e 100755
--- a/tools/perf/scripts/python/arm-cs-trace-disasm.py
+++ b/tools/perf/scripts/python/arm-cs-trace-disasm.py
@@ -198,6 +198,10 @@ def process_event(param_dict):
cpu_data[str(cpu) + 'addr'] = addr
+ if (cpu_data.get(str(cpu) + 'ip') == None):
+ cpu_data[str(cpu) + 'ip'] = ip
Do you need to write into the global cpu_data here? Doesn't
it get overwritten after you load it back into 'prev_ip'
No, the logic is same as holding the addr of previous packet.
Saving the previous packet saved ip in to prev_ip before
overwriting with the current packet.
It's not exactly the same logic as holding the addr of the
previous sample. For addr, we return on the first None, with
your change we now "pretend" that the second one is also the
previous one:
if (cpu_data.get(str(cpu) + 'addr') == None):
cpu_data[str(cpu) + 'addr'] = addr
return <----------------------------sample 0 return
if (cpu_data.get(str(cpu) + 'ip') == None):
cpu_data[str(cpu) + 'ip'] = ip <---- sample 1 save but
no return
Then for sample 1 'prev_ip' is actually now the 'current' IP:
Yes, it is dummy for first packet. Added anticipating that we
wont hit the discontinuity for the first packet itself.
Can this be changed to more intuitive like below?
diff --git a/tools/perf/scripts/python/arm-cs-trace-disasm.py
index d973c2baed1c..d49f5090059f 100755
--- a/tools/perf/scripts/python/arm-cs-trace-disasm.py
+++ b/tools/perf/scripts/python/arm-cs-trace-disasm.py
@@ -198,6 +198,8 @@ def process_event(param_dict):
cpu_data[str(cpu) + 'addr'] = addr
+ if (cpu_data.get(str(cpu) + 'ip') != None):
+ prev_ip = cpu_data[str(cpu) + 'ip']
if (options.verbose == True):
print("Event type: %s" % name)
@@ -243,12 +245,18 @@ def process_event(param_dict):
# Record for previous sample packet
cpu_data[str(cpu) + 'addr'] = addr
+ cpu_data[str(cpu) + 'ip'] = stop_addr
# Handle CS_ETM_TRACE_ON packet if start_addr=0 and
if (start_addr == 0 and stop_addr == 4):
print("CPU%d: CS_ETM_TRACE_ON packet is
inserted" % cpu)
+ if (stop_addr < start_addr and prev_ip != 0):
+ # Continuity of the Packets broken, set
start_addr to previous
+ # packet ip to complete the remaining tracing
of the address range.
+ start_addr = prev_ip
if (start_addr < int(dso_start) or start_addr >
print("Start address 0x%x is out of range [
0x%x .. 0x%x ] for dso %s" % (start_addr, int(dso_start),
int(dso_end), dso))
Without this patch below is the failure log(with segfault) for
[root@sut01sys-r214 perf]# timeout 4s ./perf record -e
cs_etm// -C 1 dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/null
[ perf record: Woken up 1 times to write data ]
[ perf record: Captured and wrote 1.087 MB perf.data ]
[root@sut01sys-r214 perf]# ./perf script
--script=python:./scripts/python/arm-cs-trace-disasm.py -- -d
objdump -k ../../vmlinux -v $* > dump
objdump: error: the stop address should be after the start
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./scripts/python/arm-cs-trace-disasm.py", line 271,
in process_event
print_disam(dso_fname, dso_vm_start, start_addr, stop_addr)
File "./scripts/python/arm-cs-trace-disasm.py", line 105,
in print_disam
for line in read_disam(dso_fname, dso_start, start_addr,
File "./scripts/python/arm-cs-trace-disasm.py", line 99, in
disasm_output =
File "/usr/lib64/python3.12/subprocess.py", line 466, in
return run(*popenargs, stdout=PIPE, timeout=timeout,
File "/usr/lib64/python3.12/subprocess.py", line 571, in run
raise CalledProcessError(retcode, process.args,
subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['objdump', '-d',
'-z', '--start-address=0xffff80008125b758',
'--stop-address=0xffff80008125a934', '../../vmlinux']'
returned non-zero exit status 1.
Fatal Python error: handler_call_die: problem in Python trace
event handler
Python runtime state: initialized
Current thread 0x0000ffffb90d54e0 (most recent call first):
<no Python frame>
Extension modules: perf_trace_context, systemd._journal,
systemd._reader, systemd.id128, report._py3report,
_dbus_bindings, problem._py3abrt (total: 7)
Aborted (core dumped)
dump snippet:
Event type: branches
Sample = { cpu: 0001 addr: 0xffff80008030cb00 phys_addr:
0x0000000000000000 ip: 0xffff800080313f0c pid: 12720 tid:
12720 period: 1 time: 5986372298040 }
ffff800080313f04 <__perf_event_header__init_id+0x4c>:
ffff800080313f04: 36100094 tbz w20,
#2, ffff800080313f14 <__perf_event_header__init_id+0x5c>
ffff800080313f08: f941e6a0 ldr x0,
[x21, #968]
ffff800080313f0c: d63f0000 blr x0
perf 12720/12720 [0001] 5986.372298040
.../coresight/linux/kernel/events/core.c 586 return
Event type: branches
Sample = { cpu: 0001 addr: 0xffff8000801bb4a8 phys_addr:
0x0000000000000000 ip: 0xffff80008030cb0c pid: 12720 tid:
12720 period: 1 time: 5986372298040 }
ffff80008030cb00 <local_clock>:
ffff80008030cb00: d503233f paciasp
ffff80008030cb04: a9bf7bfd stp x29,
x30, [sp, #-16]!
ffff80008030cb08: 910003fd mov x29, sp
ffff80008030cb0c: 97faba67 bl
ffff8000801bb4a8 <sched_clock>
perf 12720/12720 [0001] 5986.372298040
local_clock+0xc ...t/linux/./include/linux/sched/clock.h 64
return sched_clock();
Event type: branches
Sample = { cpu: 0001 addr: 0xffff80008125a8a8 phys_addr:
0x0000000000000000 ip: 0xffff8000801bb4c8 pid: 12720 tid:
12720 period: 1 time: 5986372298040 }
ffff8000801bb4a8 <sched_clock>:
ffff8000801bb4a8: d503233f paciasp
ffff8000801bb4ac: a9be7bfd stp x29,
x30, [sp, #-32]!
ffff8000801bb4b0: 910003fd mov x29, sp
ffff8000801bb4b4: a90153f3 stp x19,
x20, [sp, #16]
ffff8000801bb4b8: d5384113 mrs x19,
ffff8000801bb4bc: b9401260 ldr w0,
[x19, #16]
ffff8000801bb4c0: 11000400 add w0,
w0, #0x1
ffff8000801bb4c4: b9001260 str w0,
[x19, #16]
ffff8000801bb4c8: 94427cf8 bl
ffff80008125a8a8 <sched_clock_noinstr>
perf 12720/12720 [0001] 5986.372298040
sched_clock+0x20 ...sight/linux/kernel/time/sched_clock.c 105
ns = sched_clock_noinstr();
Event type: branches
Sample = { cpu: 0001 addr: 0xffff80008125b758 phys_addr:
0x0000000000000000 ip: 0xffff80008125a8e4 pid: 12720 tid:
12720 period: 1 time: 5986372298040 }
ffff80008125a8a8 <sched_clock_noinstr>:
ffff80008125a8a8: d503233f paciasp
ffff80008125a8ac: a9bc7bfd stp x29,
x30, [sp, #-64]!
ffff80008125a8b0: 910003fd mov x29, sp
ffff80008125a8b4: a90153f3 stp x19,
x20, [sp, #16]
ffff80008125a8b8: b000e354 adrp x20,
ffff800082ec3000 <tick_bc_dev+0x140>
ffff80008125a8bc: 910d0294 add x20,
x20, #0x340
ffff80008125a8c0: a90363f7 stp x23,
x24, [sp, #48]
ffff80008125a8c4: 91002297 add x23,
x20, #0x8
ffff80008125a8c8: 52800518 mov w24,
#0x28 // #40
ffff80008125a8cc: a9025bf5 stp x21,
x22, [sp, #32]
ffff80008125a8d0: b9400296 ldr w22,
ffff80008125a8d4: 120002d5 and w21,
w22, #0x1
ffff80008125a8d8: 9bb87eb5 umull x21,
w21, w24
ffff80008125a8dc: 8b1502f3 add x19,
x23, x21
ffff80008125a8e0: f9400e60 ldr x0,
[x19, #24]
ffff80008125a8e4: d63f0000 blr x0
perf 12720/12720 [0001] 5986.372298040
...sight/linux/kernel/time/sched_clock.c 93
cyc = (rd->read_sched_clock() - rd->epoch_cyc) &
Event type: branches
Sample = { cpu: 0001 addr: 0xffff8000801bb4cc phys_addr:
0x0000000000000000 ip: 0xffff80008125a930 pid: 12720 tid:
12720 period: 1 time: 5986372298040 }
With fix:
Event type: branches
Sample = { cpu: 0001 addr: 0xffff80008030cb00 phys_addr:
0x0000000000000000 ip: 0xffff800080313f0c pid: 12720 tid:
12720 period: 1 time: 5986372298040 }
ffff800080313f04 <__perf_event_header__init_id+0x4c>:
ffff800080313f04: 36100094 tbz w20,
#2, ffff800080313f14 <__perf_event_header__init_id+0x5c>
ffff800080313f08: f941e6a0 ldr x0,
[x21, #968]
ffff800080313f0c: d63f0000 blr x0
perf 12720/12720 [0001] 5986.372298040
.../coresight/linux/kernel/events/core.c 586 return
Event type: branches
Sample = { cpu: 0001 addr: 0xffff8000801bb4a8 phys_addr:
0x0000000000000000 ip: 0xffff80008030cb0c pid: 12720 tid:
12720 period: 1 time: 5986372298040 }
ffff80008030cb00 <local_clock>:
ffff80008030cb00: d503233f paciasp
ffff80008030cb04: a9bf7bfd stp x29,
x30, [sp, #-16]!
ffff80008030cb08: 910003fd mov x29, sp
ffff80008030cb0c: 97faba67 bl
ffff8000801bb4a8 <sched_clock>
perf 12720/12720 [0001] 5986.372298040
local_clock+0xc ...t/linux/./include/linux/sched/clock.h 64
return sched_clock();
Event type: branches
Sample = { cpu: 0001 addr: 0xffff80008125a8a8 phys_addr:
0x0000000000000000 ip: 0xffff8000801bb4c8 pid: 12720 tid:
12720 period: 1 time: 5986372298040 }
ffff8000801bb4a8 <sched_clock>:
ffff8000801bb4a8: d503233f paciasp
ffff8000801bb4ac: a9be7bfd stp x29,
x30, [sp, #-32]!
ffff8000801bb4b0: 910003fd mov x29, sp
ffff8000801bb4b4: a90153f3 stp x19,
x20, [sp, #16]
ffff8000801bb4b8: d5384113 mrs x19,
ffff8000801bb4bc: b9401260 ldr w0,
[x19, #16]
ffff8000801bb4c0: 11000400 add w0,
w0, #0x1
ffff8000801bb4c4: b9001260 str w0,
[x19, #16]
ffff8000801bb4c8: 94427cf8 bl
ffff80008125a8a8 <sched_clock_noinstr>
perf 12720/12720 [0001] 5986.372298040
sched_clock+0x20 ...sight/linux/kernel/time/sched_clock.c 105
ns = sched_clock_noinstr();
Event type: branches
Sample = { cpu: 0001 addr: 0xffff80008125b758 phys_addr:
0x0000000000000000 ip: 0xffff80008125a8e4 pid: 12720 tid:
12720 period: 1 time: 5986372298040 }
ffff80008125a8a8 <sched_clock_noinstr>:
ffff80008125a8a8: d503233f paciasp
ffff80008125a8ac: a9bc7bfd stp x29,
x30, [sp, #-64]!
ffff80008125a8b0: 910003fd mov x29, sp
ffff80008125a8b4: a90153f3 stp x19,
x20, [sp, #16]
ffff80008125a8b8: b000e354 adrp x20,
ffff800082ec3000 <tick_bc_dev+0x140>
ffff80008125a8bc: 910d0294 add x20,
x20, #0x340
ffff80008125a8c0: a90363f7 stp x23,
x24, [sp, #48]
ffff80008125a8c4: 91002297 add x23,
x20, #0x8
ffff80008125a8c8: 52800518 mov w24,
#0x28 // #40
ffff80008125a8cc: a9025bf5 stp x21,
x22, [sp, #32]
ffff80008125a8d0: b9400296 ldr w22,
ffff80008125a8d4: 120002d5 and w21,
w22, #0x1
ffff80008125a8d8: 9bb87eb5 umull x21,
w21, w24
ffff80008125a8dc: 8b1502f3 add x19,
x23, x21
ffff80008125a8e0: f9400e60 ldr x0,
[x19, #24]
ffff80008125a8e4: d63f0000 blr x0
It looks like the disassembly now assumes this BLR wasn't
taken. We go from ffff80008125a8e4 straight through to ...
perf 12720/12720 [0001] 5986.372298040
...sight/linux/kernel/time/sched_clock.c 93
cyc = (rd->read_sched_clock() - rd->epoch_cyc) &
Event type: branches
Sample = { cpu: 0001 addr: 0xffff8000801bb4cc phys_addr:
0x0000000000000000 ip: 0xffff80008125a930 pid: 12720 tid:
12720 period: 1 time: 5986372298040 }
ffff80008125a8e8 <sched_clock_noinstr+0x40>:
ffff80008125a8e8: f8756ae3 ldr x3,
[x23, x21]
ffff80008125a8e4 which is just the previous one +4. Isn't your
issue actually a decode issue in Perf itself? Why is there a
discontinuity without branch samples being generated where
either the source or destination address is 0?
What are your record options to create this issue? As I
mentioned in the previous reply I haven't been able to
reproduce it.
I am using below perf record command.
timeout 4s ./perf record -e cs_etm// -C 1 dd if=/dev/zero
Thanks I managed to reproduce it. I'll take a look to see if I
think the issue is somewhere else.
At least for the failures I encountered, the issue is due to the
alternatives runtime instruction patching mechanism. vmlinux ends
up being the wrong image to decode with because a load of branches
are actually turned into nops.
Can you confirm if you use --kcore instead of vmlinux that you
still get failures:
sudo perf record -e cs_etm// -C 1 --kcore -o
<output-folder.data> -- \
dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/null
perf script -i <output-folder.data> \
tools/perf/scripts/python/arm-cs-trace-disasm.py -d
llvm-objdump \
-k <output-folder.data>/kcore_dir/kcore
With below command combination with kcore also the issue is seen,
as reported in this email chain.
timeout 8s ./perf record -e cs_etm// -C 1 --kcore -o kcore \
dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/null
./perf script -i kcore/data \
--script=python:./scripts/python/arm-cs-trace-disasm.py -- \
-d objdump -k kcore/kcore_dir/kcore
However, with below sequence(same as your command) the issue is
*not* seen.
timeout 8s ./perf record -e cs_etm// -C 1 --kcore -o kcore \
dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/null
./perf script -i kcore/data ./scripts/python/arm-cs-trace-disasm.py \
-- -d objdump -k kcore/kcore_dir/kcore
Do you see any issue with the command, which is showing the problem?
Also the output log produced by these both commands is different.
BTW are you running this on the target or somewhere else? It's
suspicious that "-i kcore/data" works at all because there is no
kernel image given to Perf. Unless you are running on the target and
then I think it will just open the one from /proc. Or maybe it uses
/boot/vmlinux by default which also wouldn't work.
Also the difference between "--script=python:" and just giving the
script name is in the parsing of the arguments following " -- ".
Sometimes they're also parsed as Perf arguments (like the -v becomes
perf verbose and -k becomes the Perf vmlinux rather than the script).
I _think_ you want the " -- " when "--script" is used, and no "--"
when it's not. But there are some other combinations and you'll have
to debug it to compare your two exact scenarios to see why they're
But ignoring that issue with the argument format, you mentioned you
didn't see the issue any more with one version of --kcore. So I'm
assuming that confirms the issue is just a decode image issue, so we
shouldn't try to patch this script?
Although one change we should make to the script is change the example
to use kcore. We can leave in one vmlinux one as an example if kcore
isn't available, but add a note that it will fail if any patched code is
traced (which is almost always).
James, you may recall the year old thread
I described there an awkward workaround Ampere has used to solve the
patched code problem. At the time, it sounded like the maintainers were
interested in getting away from using the python script, mostly for
speed purposes. I didn't see the discussion go any further.
Oh yes thanks for the reminder. I wasn't thinking about the source code lines and debug symbols in this thread. I suppose your merging of kcore and vmlinux gives both the correct image and the symbols, but I was only focused on the image being correct, so only kcore was enough.
It looks like everything we want to do from your previous thread is in addition to the fixes from this one. Even if we auto merge kcore + symbols and move the disassembly into Perf, we still want to detect decode issues earlier and not have IPs jumping backwards. Whether it's the script or Perf doing that the behavior should be the same.
To summarise I think these are the changes to make:
* Improve bad decode detection in OpenCSD
* Get the script to auto merge kcore and vmlinux
* Maybe we could get Perf to do this if both a kcore folder and -k
vmlinux are used?
* Improve the performance, either in the script or move more
functionality into Perf