Re: [PATCH v2 3/3] tracing/kprobes: Use APIs that matches symbols without .XXX suffix

From: Petr Mladek
Date: Thu Aug 08 2024 - 05:49:18 EST

On Wed 2024-08-07 19:46:31, Song Liu wrote:
> > On Aug 7, 2024, at 7:58 AM, zhang warden <zhangwarden@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> >
> >
> >> In my GCC built, we have suffixes like ".constprop.0", ".part.0", ".isra.0",
> >> and ".isra.0.cold".
> >
> > A fresher's eye, I met sometime when try to build a livepatch module and found some mistake caused by ".constprop.0" ".part.0" which is generated by GCC.
> >
> > These section with such suffixes is special and sometime the symbol st_value is quite different. What is these kind of section (or symbol) use for?
> IIUC, constprop means const propagation. For example, function
> "foo(int a, int b)" that is called as "foo(a, 10)" will be come
> "foo(int a)" with a hard-coded b = 10 inside.
> .part.0 is part of the function, as the other part is inlined in
> the caller.

Hmm, we should not remove the suffixes like .constprop*, .part*,
.isra*. They implement a special optimized variant of the function.
It is not longer the original full-featured one.

This is a difference against adding a suffix for a static function.
Such a symbol implements the original full-featured function.

Best Regards,