Re: [PATCH] perf scripts python Skip disasm if address continuity is broken

From: Leo Yan
Date: Thu Aug 08 2024 - 07:05:47 EST

On 8/8/24 10:32, James Clark wrote:


I suppose my only concern with this is that it hides real errors and
Perf shouldn't be outputting samples that go backwards. Considering that
fixing this in OpenCSD and Perf has a much wider benefit I think that
should be the ultimate goal. I'm putting this on my todo list for now
(including Steve's merging idea).

In the perf's util/cs-etm.c file, it handles DISCONTINUITY with:

          * The trace is discontinuous, if the previous packet is
          * instruction packet, set flag PERF_IP_FLAG_TRACE_END
          * for previous packet.
         if (prev_packet->sample_type == CS_ETM_RANGE)
                 prev_packet->flags |= PERF_IP_FLAG_BRANCH |

I am wandering if OpenCSD has passed the correct info so Perf decoder can
detect the discontinuity. If yes, then the flag 'PERF_IP_FLAG_TRACE_END' will
be set (it is a general flag in branch sample), then we can consider use it in
the python script to handle discontinuous data.

No OpenCSD isn't passing the correct info here. Higher up in the thread
I suggested an OpenCSD patch that makes it detect the error earlier and
fixes the issue. It also needs to output a discontinuity when the
address goes backwards. So two fixes and then the script works without

Great! Just remind, with the fixes above, we might still need to enhance the
script to consume the PERF_IP_FLAG_TRACE_END flag, this can allow the script
to be reliable.

I prefer to not add force option for this case - eventually, this will consume
much time for reporting this kind of failure and need to root causing it. A
better way is we just print out the reasoning in the log and continue to dump.

But in this case we've identified all the known issues that would cause
the script to fail and we can fix them in Perf and OpenCSD. There may
not even be any more issues that will cause the script to fail in the
future so there's no point in softening the error IMO. That will only
hide future issues (of which there may be none) and make root causing
harder when it hits some other tool.

It is fine for me - with friendly logs as discussed in other replies.
