[PATCH 5/8] perf/arm-cmn: Make cycle counts less surprising
From: Robin Murphy
Date: Fri Aug 09 2024 - 15:17:00 EST
By default, CMN has automatic clock-gating with the implication that a
DTC's cycle counter may not increment while the domain is sufficiently
idle. Given that we may have up to 4 DTCs to choose from when scheduling
a cycles event, this may potentially lead to surprising results if
trying to measure metrics based on activity in a different DTC domain
from where cycles end up being counted. Make the reasonable assumption
that if the user wants to count cycles, they almost certainly want to
count all of the cycles, and disable clock gating while a DTC's cycle
counter is in use.
Signed-off-by: Robin Murphy <robin.murphy@xxxxxxx>
drivers/perf/arm-cmn.c | 16 +++++++++++-----
1 file changed, 11 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
diff --git a/drivers/perf/arm-cmn.c b/drivers/perf/arm-cmn.c
index 8f7a1a6f8ab7..4d128db2040c 100644
--- a/drivers/perf/arm-cmn.c
+++ b/drivers/perf/arm-cmn.c
@@ -115,6 +115,7 @@
/* The DTC node is where the magic happens */
#define CMN_DT_DTC_CTL 0x0a00
/* DTC counters are paired in 64-bit registers on a 16-byte stride. Yuck */
#define _CMN_DT_CNT_REG(n) ((((n) / 2) * 4 + (n) % 2) * 4)
@@ -1544,9 +1545,12 @@ static void arm_cmn_event_start(struct perf_event *event, int flags)
int i;
if (type == CMN_TYPE_DTC) {
- i = hw->dtc_idx[0];
- writeq_relaxed(CMN_CC_INIT, cmn->dtc[i].base + CMN_DT_PMCCNTR);
- cmn->dtc[i].cc_active = true;
+ struct arm_cmn_dtc *dtc = cmn->dtc + hw->dtc_idx[0];
+ dtc->base + CMN_DT_DTC_CTL);
+ writeq_relaxed(CMN_CC_INIT, dtc->base + CMN_DT_PMCCNTR);
+ dtc->cc_active = true;
} else if (type == CMN_TYPE_WP) {
u64 val = CMN_EVENT_WP_VAL(event);
u64 mask = CMN_EVENT_WP_MASK(event);
@@ -1575,8 +1579,10 @@ static void arm_cmn_event_stop(struct perf_event *event, int flags)
int i;
if (type == CMN_TYPE_DTC) {
- i = hw->dtc_idx[0];
- cmn->dtc[i].cc_active = false;
+ struct arm_cmn_dtc *dtc = cmn->dtc + hw->dtc_idx[0];
+ dtc->cc_active = false;
+ writel_relaxed(CMN_DT_DTC_CTL_DT_EN, dtc->base + CMN_DT_DTC_CTL);
} else if (type == CMN_TYPE_WP) {
for_each_hw_dn(hw, dn, i) {
void __iomem *base = dn->pmu_base + CMN_DTM_OFFSET(hw->dtm_offset);