Re: [PATCH v2 3/3] regmap: Allow setting IRQ domain name suffix

From: Thomas Gleixner
Date: Fri Aug 09 2024 - 17:09:34 EST

On Thu, Aug 08 2024 at 15:36, Matti Vaittinen wrote:
> When multiple IRQ domains are created from the same device-tree node they
> will get the same name based on the device-tree path. This will cause a
> naming collision in debugFS when IRQ domain specific entries are created.
> The regmap-IRQ creates per instance IRQ domains. This will lead to a
> domain name conflict when a device which provides more than one
> interrupt line uses the regmap-IRQ.
> Add support for specifying an IRQ domain name suffix when creating a
> regmap-IRQ controller.
> Signed-off-by: Matti Vaittinen <mazziesaccount@xxxxxxxxx>

The change looks good to me.

Mark, I assume you want to take the regmap change. If so then feel free
to pull the prerequisites from

git:// irq-domain-24-08-09

into your tree. It's based on 6.11-rc1 and contains only the three
irqdomain core changes.

If you want me to carry the regmap change, please let me know.

