Re: [PATCH 0/3] Add DisplayPort sound support for Fairphone 5 smartphone

From: Luca Weiss
Date: Sat Aug 10 2024 - 09:37:44 EST

On Samstag, 10. August 2024 14:35:00 MESZ Konrad Dybcio wrote:
> On 9.08.2024 10:33 AM, Luca Weiss wrote:
> > Add the necessary sound card bits and some dts additions to enable sound
> > over DisplayPort-over-USB-C, e.g. to a connected TV or monitor.
> >
> > The UCM files can be found here:
> >
> >
> > Two extra notes:
> >
> > 1. I don't quite understand whether the sound driver should have
> > SoC-specific compatible or device-specific compatible. Some earlier
> > patches by another author for a QCM6490 board and a QCS6490 board use
> > device-specific compatible - but from what I can tell this is not how
> > it's generally done for other sound drivers?
> >
> > 2. Unfortunately DisplayPort enablement itself for Fairphone 5 is not
> > upstream yet. This is blocked by DSI display bringup upstream which
> > is blocked by DSC 1:1:1 not being supported upstream yet and just
> > working with a hacky patch. Nevertheless, DisplayPort audio was
> > validated working with no additional sound-related changes so once
> > DisplayPort gets enabled, sound should also just work upstream.
> You can enable DP and keep DSI disabled for the time being

I need to enable dispcc for DP which breaks simple-fb from my testing?

Maybe I can figure out the correct clocks and power domains to put into the
simple-fb node? Do you think that would work and be sufficient to make both
simple-fb and DP work?

> Konrad