Re: [PATCH RESEND 0/2] drm: panel-orientation-quirks: Add quirks for AYN loki zero/max

From: Hans de Goede
Date: Mon Aug 12 2024 - 04:33:36 EST


On 7/28/24 2:47 PM, Bouke Sybren Haarsma wrote:
> Add orientation quirks for AYN loki devices:
> - Ayn Loki Zero
> - Ayn Loki Max
> The quirks have been tested by the JELOS team and ChimeraOS
> who have been patching their own kernel. This has been
> confirmed working by users in the ChimeraOS discord
> servers.
> Since there are additional Ayn Loki devices I have
> made separate matches for the devices.
> Bouke Sybren Haarsma (2):
> drm: panel-orientation-quirks: Add quirk for Ayn Loki Zero
> drm: panel-orientation-quirks: Add quirk for Ayn Loki Max
> drivers/gpu/drm/drm_panel_orientation_quirks.c | 12 ++++++++++++
> 1 file changed, 12 insertions(+)

Thanks, both patches look good to me:

Reviewed-by: Hans de Goede <hdegoede@xxxxxxxxxx>

I have pushed this to drm-misc-fixes now, sorry for being
a bit slow with picking these up.

