Re: [PATCH] drm/meson: add check to prevent dereference of NULL

From: Anastasia Belova
Date: Mon Aug 12 2024 - 05:32:44 EST

Hello Martin,

10/08/24 12:09, Martin Blumenstingl пишет:
Hello Anastasia,

Thank you for working on this!

On Fri, Aug 9, 2024 at 2:48 PM Anastasia Belova <abelova@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
@@ -373,9 +373,11 @@ static int meson_drv_bind_master(struct device *dev, bool has_components)

- meson_encoder_dsi_remove(priv);
- meson_encoder_hdmi_remove(priv);
- meson_encoder_cvbs_remove(priv);
+ if (priv) {
+ meson_encoder_dsi_remove(priv);
+ meson_encoder_hdmi_remove(priv);
+ meson_encoder_cvbs_remove(priv);
+ }
This is the straight-forward approach.

There's been conversions from non-devm_ functions to their devm_*
counterparts in the past in various subsystems.
I just found that there's a devm_drm_dev_alloc() which seems to be
calling drm_dev_put() automatically - but I have never used it myself
As an alternative to your suggested approach: could you please look
into whether devm_drm_dev_alloc() is a suitable replacement (if not:
just explain why - then this patch is good to be merged)?

If I understood correctly, devm_drm_dev_alloc allows to delete drm_dev_put
from error path in meson_drv_bind_master and in meson_drv_unbind.

Then the proposed check may be ommited and function may just return
instead of jumping to free_drm.

And would it be better to rename free_drm to remove_encoders?

Thank you,
Anastasia Belova