Re: [PATCH] drm/msm: fix the highest_bank_bit for sc7180
From: Stephen Boyd
Date: Mon Aug 12 2024 - 14:36:33 EST
Quoting Abhinav Kumar (2024-08-08 16:52:27)
> sc7180 programs the ubwc settings as 0x1e as that would mean a
> highest bank bit of 14 which matches what the GPU sets as well.
> However, the highest_bank_bit field of the msm_mdss_data which is
> being used to program the SSPP's fetch configuration is programmed
> to a highest bank bit of 16 as 0x3 translates to 16 and not 14.
> Fix the highest bank bit field used for the SSPP to match the mdss
> and gpu settings.
> Fixes: 6f410b246209 ("drm/msm/mdss: populate missing data")
> Signed-off-by: Abhinav Kumar <quic_abhinavk@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> ---
Tested-by: Stephen Boyd <swboyd@xxxxxxxxxxxx> # Trogdor.Lazor