[PATCH V3] kbuild: control extra pacman packages with PACMAN_EXTRAPACKAGES

From: Jose Fernandez
Date: Mon Aug 12 2024 - 21:17:13 EST

Introduce the PACMAN_EXTRAPACKAGES variable in PKGBUILD to allow users
to specify which additional packages are built by the pacman-pkg target.

Previously, the api-headers package was always included, and the headers
package was included only if CONFIG_MODULES=y. With this change, both
headers and api-headers packages are included by default. Users can now
control this behavior by setting PACMAN_EXTRAPACKAGES to a
space-separated list of desired extra packages or leaving it empty to
exclude all.

For example, to build only the base package without extras:

make pacman-pkg PACMAN_EXTRAPACKAGES=""

Signed-off-by: Jose Fernandez <jose.fernandez@xxxxxxxxx>
Reviewed-by: Peter Jung <ptr1337@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Build all extra packages by default
- Remove unnecessary lines
- Move the default PACMAN_EXTRAPACKAGES value to PKGBUILD
- Remove all changes done to Makefile.package
- Conditionally run the install-extmod-build script if CONFIG_MODULES=y
- Add explicit `mkdir -p "${builddir}"` prior to copying System.map and .config

This patch gives users control over which extra packages are built, addressing
concerns about build time from adding a new debug package [1]. It allows
selective inclusion of extra packages before introducing an optional debug

[1] https://lore.kernel.org/lkml/20240801192008.GA3923315@thelio-3990X/T/

scripts/package/PKGBUILD | 18 ++++++++++++------
1 file changed, 12 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

diff --git a/scripts/package/PKGBUILD b/scripts/package/PKGBUILD
index 663ce300dd06..fbd7eb10a52c 100644
--- a/scripts/package/PKGBUILD
+++ b/scripts/package/PKGBUILD
@@ -3,10 +3,13 @@
# Contributor: Jan Alexander Steffens (heftig) <heftig@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

-pkgname=("${pkgbase}" "${pkgbase}-api-headers")
-if grep -q CONFIG_MODULES=y include/config/auto.conf; then
- pkgname+=("${pkgbase}-headers")
+_extrapackages=${PACMAN_EXTRAPACKAGES-headers api-headers}
+for pkg in $_extrapackages; do
+ pkgname+=("${pkgbase}-${pkg}")
# The PKGBUILD is evaluated multiple times.
# Running scripts/build-version from here would introduce inconsistencies.
@@ -77,10 +80,13 @@ _package-headers() {
cd "${objtree}"
local builddir="${pkgdir}/usr/${MODLIB}/build"

- echo "Installing build files..."
- "${srctree}/scripts/package/install-extmod-build" "${builddir}"
+ if grep -q CONFIG_MODULES=y include/config/auto.conf; then
+ echo "Installing build files..."
+ "${srctree}/scripts/package/install-extmod-build" "${builddir}"
+ fi

echo "Installing System.map and config..."
+ mkdir -p "${builddir}"
cp System.map "${builddir}/System.map"
cp .config "${builddir}/.config"

base-commit: 7809144639f6c92bcb11bd3284b7806a42cc67fe