Re: [PATCH 2/5] driver core: Introduce an API constify_device_find_child_helper()

From: quic_zijuhu
Date: Tue Aug 13 2024 - 06:57:40 EST

On 8/13/2024 5:45 PM, Greg Kroah-Hartman wrote:
> On Sun, Aug 11, 2024 at 08:18:08AM +0800, Zijun Hu wrote:
>> From: Zijun Hu <quic_zijuhu@xxxxxxxxxxx>
>> Introduce constify_device_find_child_helper() to replace existing
>> device_find_child()'s usages whose match functions will modify
>> caller's match data.
> Ick, that's not a good name, it should be "noun_verb" with the subsystem being on the prefix always.
okay, got it.

is it okay to use device_find_child_mut() suggested by Przemek Kitszel ?

> But why is this even needed? Device pointers are NOT const for the
> obvious reason that they can be changed by loads of different things.
> Trying to force them to be const is going to be hard, if not impossible.

[PATCH 3/5] have more discussion about these questions with below link:

The ultimate goal is to make device_find_child() have below prototype:

struct device *device_find_child(struct device *dev, const void *data,
int (*match)(struct device *dev, const void *data));

Why ?

(1) It does not make sense, also does not need to, for such device
finding operation to modify caller's match data which is mainly
used for comparison.

(2) It will make the API's match function parameter have the same
signature as all other APIs (bus|class|driver)_find_device().

My idea is that:
use device_find_child() for READ only accessing caller's match data.

use below API if need to Modify caller's data as
constify_device_find_child_helper() does.
int device_for_each_child(struct device *dev, void *data,
int (*fn)(struct device *dev, void *data));

So the The ultimate goal is to protect caller's *match data* @*data NOT
device @*dev.

> thanks,
> greg k-h