Re: [PATCH v2 2/2] iio: imu: smi240: imu driver
From: Krzysztof Kozlowski
Date: Tue Aug 13 2024 - 10:37:31 EST
On 13/08/2024 15:54, Shen Jianping (ME-SE/EAD2) wrote:
>>>> +
>>>> +MODULE_AUTHOR("Markus Lochmann <markus.lochmann@xxxxxxxxxxxx>");
>>>> +MODULE_AUTHOR("Stefan Gutmann <stefan.gutmann@xxxxxxxxxxxx>");
>>>> +BSD/GPL");
>>> Hm? How many modules do you have here? What are their names?
>>> We have one module, named "Bosch SMI240 driver". Any problem here?
>> Yes, you put MODULE_* to how many files? Two? Three? Why is it needed
>> everywhere?
> We put MODULE_* in all the *.c , just like the other IMU drivers already in source tree. They do the same.
That's not true. First, look at adis_buffer.c. no MODULE_XXX. Second,
maybe they have multiple modules, so the macros are expected. That's why
I asked you and you said you do not have more than one module.
Best regards,