[PATCH v2 7/8] drm/vkms: Create helper macro for YUV formats

From: Louis Chauvet
Date: Wed Aug 14 2024 - 04:21:14 EST

The callback functions for line conversion are almost identical for
semi-planar formats. The generic READ_LINE_YUV_SEMIPLANAR macro
generate all the required boilerplate to process a line from a
semi-planar format.

Signed-off-by: Louis Chauvet <louis.chauvet@xxxxxxxxxxx>
drivers/gpu/drm/vkms/vkms_formats.c | 75 ++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------
1 file changed, 48 insertions(+), 27 deletions(-)

diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/vkms/vkms_formats.c b/drivers/gpu/drm/vkms/vkms_formats.c
index 71aae2397c5f..129672a555ce 100644
--- a/drivers/gpu/drm/vkms/vkms_formats.c
+++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/vkms/vkms_formats.c
@@ -484,35 +484,56 @@ READ_LINE(R8_read_line, px, u8, argb_u16_from_gray8, *px)
* - Convert YUV and YVU with the same function (a column swap is needed when setting up
* plane->conversion_matrix)
-static void semi_planar_yuv_read_line(const struct vkms_plane_state *plane, int x_start,
- int y_start, enum pixel_read_direction direction, int count,
- struct pixel_argb_u16 out_pixel[])
- u8 *y_plane;
- u8 *uv_plane;
- packed_pixels_addr_1x1(plane->frame_info, x_start, y_start, 0,
- &y_plane);
- packed_pixels_addr_1x1(plane->frame_info,
- x_start / plane->frame_info->fb->format->hsub,
- y_start / plane->frame_info->fb->format->vsub, 1,
- &uv_plane);
- int step_y = get_block_step_bytes(plane->frame_info->fb, direction, 0);
- int step_uv = get_block_step_bytes(plane->frame_info->fb, direction, 1);
- int subsampling = get_subsampling(plane->frame_info->fb->format, direction);
- int subsampling_offset = get_subsampling_offset(direction, x_start, y_start);
- const struct conversion_matrix *conversion_matrix = &plane->conversion_matrix;

- for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
- *out_pixel = argb_u16_from_yuv161616(conversion_matrix, y_plane[0] * 257,
- uv_plane[0] * 257, uv_plane[1] * 257);
- out_pixel += 1;
- y_plane += step_y;
- if ((i + subsampling_offset + 1) % subsampling == 0)
- uv_plane += step_uv;
- }
+ * READ_LINE_YUV_SEMIPLANAR() - Generic generator for a read_line function which can be used for yuv
+ * formats with two planes and block_w == block_h == 1.
+ *
+ * @function_name: Function name to generate
+ * @pixel_1_name: temporary pixel name for the first plane used in the @__VA_ARGS__ parameters
+ * @pixel_2_name: temporary pixel name for the second plane used in the @__VA_ARGS__ parameters
+ * @pixel_1_type: Used to specify the type you want to cast the pixel pointer on the plane 1
+ * @pixel_2_type: Used to specify the type you want to cast the pixel pointer on the plane 2
+ * @callback: Callback to call for each pixels. This function should take
+ * (struct conversion_matrix*, @__VA_ARGS__) as parameter and return a pixel_argb_u16
+ * @__VA_ARGS__: Argument to pass inside the callback. You can use @pixel_1_name and @pixel_2_name
+ * to access current pixel values
+ */
+#define READ_LINE_YUV_SEMIPLANAR(function_name, pixel_1_name, pixel_2_name, pixel_1_type, \
+ pixel_2_type, callback, ...) \
+static void function_name(const struct vkms_plane_state *plane, int x_start, \
+ int y_start, enum pixel_read_direction direction, int count, \
+ struct pixel_argb_u16 out_pixel[]) \
+{ \
+ u8 *plane_1; \
+ u8 *plane_2; \
+ \
+ packed_pixels_addr_1x1(plane->frame_info, x_start, y_start, 0, \
+ &plane_1); \
+ packed_pixels_addr_1x1(plane->frame_info, \
+ x_start / plane->frame_info->fb->format->hsub, \
+ y_start / plane->frame_info->fb->format->vsub, 1, \
+ &plane_2); \
+ int step_1 = get_block_step_bytes(plane->frame_info->fb, direction, 0); \
+ int step_2 = get_block_step_bytes(plane->frame_info->fb, direction, 1); \
+ int subsampling = get_subsampling(plane->frame_info->fb->format, direction); \
+ int subsampling_offset = get_subsampling_offset(direction, x_start, y_start); \
+ const struct conversion_matrix *conversion_matrix = &plane->conversion_matrix; \
+ \
+ for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { \
+ pixel_1_type *(pixel_1_name) = (pixel_1_type *)plane_1; \
+ pixel_2_type *(pixel_2_name) = (pixel_2_type *)plane_2; \
+ *out_pixel = (callback)(conversion_matrix, __VA_ARGS__); \
+ out_pixel += 1; \
+ plane_1 += step_1; \
+ if ((i + subsampling_offset + 1) % subsampling == 0) \
+ plane_2 += step_2; \
+ } \

+READ_LINE_YUV_SEMIPLANAR(YUV888_semiplanar_read_line, y, uv, u8, u8, argb_u16_from_yuv161616,
+ y[0] * 257, uv[0] * 257, uv[1] * 257)
* This callback can be used for YUV format where each color component is
* stored in a different plane (often called planar formats). It will
@@ -704,7 +725,7 @@ pixel_read_line_t get_pixel_read_line_function(u32 format)
- return &semi_planar_yuv_read_line;
+ return &YUV888_semiplanar_read_line;
