Re: [PATCH] softirq: remove parameter from action callback

From: Jens Axboe
Date: Wed Aug 14 2024 - 10:01:16 EST

On 8/13/24 5:31 PM, Caleb Sander Mateos wrote:
> When softirq actions are called, they are passed a pointer to the
> entry in the softirq_vec table containing the action's function pointer.
> This pointer isn't very useful, as the action callback already knows
> what function it is. And since each callback handles a specific softirq,
> the callback also knows which softirq number is running.
> No softirq action callbacks actually use this parameter,
> so remove it from the function pointer signature.
> This clarifies that softirq actions are global routines
> and makes it slightly cheaper to call them.

Commit message should use ~72 char line lengths, but outside of that:

Reviewed-by: Jens Axboe <axboe@xxxxxxxxx>

Jens Axboe