Re: [PATCH 1/3] ufs: core: Rename LSDB to SDBS to reflect the UFSHCI 4.0 spec

From: Bart Van Assche
Date: Wed Aug 14 2024 - 13:28:18 EST

On 8/14/24 10:15 AM, Manivannan Sadhasivam via B4 Relay wrote:
UFSHCI 4.0 spec names the 'Legacy Queue & Single Doorbell Support' field in
Controller Capabilities register as 'SDBS'. So let's use the same
terminology in the driver to align with the spec.

If a rename happens, we should use the name from the spec. I found the
following in the UFSHCI 4.0 specification: "Legacy Single DoorBell Support (LSDBS)". So please either rename SDBS into LSDBS or drop this

