drivers/media/platform/qcom/camss/Makefile | 1 +
.../platform/qcom/camss/camss-csid-gen3.c | 339 ++++++++++++++++++
.../platform/qcom/camss/camss-csid-gen3.h | 26 ++
So this "gen2" and "gen3" stuff would make sense if we had a number of SoCs based on gen2 and gen3 which were controlled from the upper-level gen2.c and gen3.c.
What you're submitting here is csid-780 so the file should be named csid-780.
When we add 680 or 880 then it makes sense to try to encapsulate a class of generation into one file - potentially.
I'd guess that was the intent behind gen2.c.
TL;DR please name your file csid-xxx.c
+ writel(val, csid->base + CSID_CSI2_RX_CFG0);
+ if (vc > 3)
+ val |= 1 << CSI2_RX_CFG1_VC_MODE;
So again these are needless bit-shifts.
+static void csid_subdev_reg_update(struct csid_device *csid, int port_id, bool is_clear)
+ if (is_clear) {
+ csid->reg_update &= ~REG_UPDATE_RDI(csid, port_id);
+ } else {
+ csid->reg_update |= REG_UPDATE_RDI(csid, port_id);
+ writel(csid->reg_update, csid->base + CSID_REG_UPDATE_CMD);
+ }
Right so this function should
1. Write the register
2. Wait on a completion
See camss-vfe-480.c::vfe_isr_reg_update()
3. Have that completion fire in the CSID ISR
4. Or timeout
5. Returning either 0 for success or -ETIMEDOUT
to the calling function so that we can be sure the RUP interrupt has fired and completed - or we have appropriately timed out and captured the failure.
Also - in camss-vfe-480.c the ISR clears the RUP which one assumes is still the required logical flow with the RUP now residing in CSID.
- if (csid->testgen_mode->cur.val == 0) {
+ if (!csid->testgen_mode || csid->testgen_mode->cur.val == 0) {
See my comments on adding new guards to core functionality.
Is this sm8550 specific or generic ?
/* Test generator is disabled, */
/* keep pad formats in sync */
u32 code = fmt->code;
@@ -1042,6 +1042,7 @@ static int csid_init_formats(struct v4l2_subdev *sd, struct v4l2_subdev_fh *fh)
static int csid_set_test_pattern(struct csid_device *csid, s32 value)
struct csid_testgen_config *tg = &csid->testgen;
+ const struct csid_hw_ops *hw_ops = csid->res->hw_ops;
/* If CSID is linked to CSIPHY, do not allow to enable test generator */
if (value && media_pad_remote_pad_first(&csid- >pads[MSM_CSID_PAD_SINK]))
@@ -1049,7 +1050,10 @@ static int csid_set_test_pattern(struct csid_device *csid, s32 value)
tg->enabled = !!value;
- return csid->res->hw_ops->configure_testgen_pattern(csid, value);
+ if (hw_ops->configure_testgen_pattern)
+ return -EOPNOTSUPP;
+ else
+ return hw_ops->configure_testgen_pattern(csid, value);
If you just add a dummy configure_testgen_pattern we can get rid of this branching stuff.
@@ -1121,6 +1125,19 @@ int msm_csid_subdev_init(struct camss *camss, struct csid_device *csid,
csid->base = devm_platform_ioremap_resource_byname(pdev, res->reg[0]);
if (IS_ERR(csid->base))
return PTR_ERR(csid->base);
+ /* CSID "top" is a new function in new version HW,
+ * CSID can connect to VFE & SFE(Sensor Front End).
+ * this connection is controlled by CSID "top" registers.
+ * There is only one CSID "top" region for all CSIDs.
+ */
+ if (!csid_is_lite(csid) && res->reg[1] && !camss- >csid_top_base) {
+ camss->csid_top_base =
+ devm_platform_ioremap_resource_byname(pdev, res- >reg[1]);
That's a complex clause.
Let me send you a patch to do it a different way.