Re: [PATCH v2 2/3] ufs: core: Add a quirk for handling broken LSDBS field in controller capabilities register

From: Bart Van Assche
Date: Thu Aug 15 2024 - 14:13:16 EST

On 8/14/24 10:16 PM, Manivannan Sadhasivam via B4 Relay wrote:
+ /*
+ * This quirk needs to be enabled if the host controller has the broken
+ * Legacy Queue & Single Doorbell Support (LSDBS) field in Controller
+ * Capabilities register.
+ */

The above comment is misleading because it suggests that the definition
of this bit in the UFSHCI specification is broken, which is not the
case. How about this comment?

* This quirk indicates that the controller reports the value 1
* (not supported) in the Legacy Single DoorBell Support (LSDBS)
* bit although it supports the legacy single doorbell mode.

