Re: [PATCH] PCI: qcom-ep: Move controller cleanups to qcom_pcie_perst_deassert()

From: Bjorn Helgaas
Date: Thu Aug 15 2024 - 18:47:28 EST

[+cc Vidya, Jon since tegra194 does similar things]

On Mon, Jul 29, 2024 at 05:52:45PM +0530, Manivannan Sadhasivam wrote:
> Currently, the endpoint cleanup function dw_pcie_ep_cleanup() and EPF
> deinit notify function pci_epc_deinit_notify() are called during the
> execution of qcom_pcie_perst_assert() i.e., when the host has asserted
> PERST#. But quickly after this step, refclk will also be disabled by the
> host.
> All of the Qcom endpoint SoCs supported as of now depend on the refclk from
> the host for keeping the controller operational. Due to this limitation,
> any access to the hardware registers in the absence of refclk will result
> in a whole endpoint crash. Unfortunately, most of the controller cleanups
> require accessing the hardware registers (like eDMA cleanup performed in
> dw_pcie_ep_cleanup(), powering down MHI EPF etc...). So these cleanup
> functions are currently causing the crash in the endpoint SoC once host
> asserts PERST#.
> One way to address this issue is by generating the refclk in the endpoint
> itself and not depending on the host. But that is not always possible as
> some of the endpoint designs do require the endpoint to consume refclk from
> the host (as I was told by the Qcom engineers).
> So let's fix this crash by moving the controller cleanups to the start of
> the qcom_pcie_perst_deassert() function. qcom_pcie_perst_deassert() is
> called whenever the host has deasserted PERST# and it is guaranteed that
> the refclk would be active at this point. So at the start of this function,
> the controller cleanup can be performed. Once finished, rest of the code
> execution for PERST# deassert can continue as usual.

What makes this v6.11 material? Does it fix a problem we added in

Is there a Fixes: commit?

This patch essentially does this:

- pci_epc_deinit_notify
- dw_pcie_ep_cleanup

+ if (pcie_ep->cleanup_pending)
+ pci_epc_deinit_notify(pci->ep.epc);
+ dw_pcie_ep_cleanup(&pci->ep);

Maybe it makes sense to call both pci_epc_deinit_notify() and
pci_epc_init_notify() from the PERST# deassert function, but it makes
me question whether we really need both.

pcie-tegra194.c has a similar structure:



Is there a reason to make them different, or could/should a similar
change be made to tegra?

> Signed-off-by: Manivannan Sadhasivam <manivannan.sadhasivam@xxxxxxxxxx>
> ---
> drivers/pci/controller/dwc/pcie-qcom-ep.c | 12 ++++++++++--
> 1 file changed, 10 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
> diff --git a/drivers/pci/controller/dwc/pcie-qcom-ep.c b/drivers/pci/controller/dwc/pcie-qcom-ep.c
> index 2319ff2ae9f6..e024b4dcd76d 100644
> --- a/drivers/pci/controller/dwc/pcie-qcom-ep.c
> +++ b/drivers/pci/controller/dwc/pcie-qcom-ep.c
> @@ -186,6 +186,8 @@ struct qcom_pcie_ep_cfg {
> * @link_status: PCIe Link status
> * @global_irq: Qualcomm PCIe specific Global IRQ
> * @perst_irq: PERST# IRQ
> + * @cleanup_pending: Cleanup is pending for the controller (because refclk is
> + * needed for cleanup)
> */
> struct qcom_pcie_ep {
> struct dw_pcie pci;
> @@ -214,6 +216,7 @@ struct qcom_pcie_ep {
> enum qcom_pcie_ep_link_status link_status;
> int global_irq;
> int perst_irq;
> + bool cleanup_pending;
> };
> static int qcom_pcie_ep_core_reset(struct qcom_pcie_ep *pcie_ep)
> @@ -389,6 +392,12 @@ static int qcom_pcie_perst_deassert(struct dw_pcie *pci)
> return ret;
> }
> + if (pcie_ep->cleanup_pending) {

Do we really need this flag? I assume the cleanup functions could
tell whether any previous setup was done?

> + pci_epc_deinit_notify(pci->ep.epc);
> + dw_pcie_ep_cleanup(&pci->ep);
> + pcie_ep->cleanup_pending = false;
> + }
> +
> /* Assert WAKE# to RC to indicate device is ready */
> gpiod_set_value_cansleep(pcie_ep->wake, 1);
> usleep_range(WAKE_DELAY_US, WAKE_DELAY_US + 500);
> @@ -522,10 +531,9 @@ static void qcom_pcie_perst_assert(struct dw_pcie *pci)
> {
> struct qcom_pcie_ep *pcie_ep = to_pcie_ep(pci);
> - pci_epc_deinit_notify(pci->ep.epc);
> - dw_pcie_ep_cleanup(&pci->ep);
> qcom_pcie_disable_resources(pcie_ep);
> pcie_ep->link_status = QCOM_PCIE_EP_LINK_DISABLED;
> + pcie_ep->cleanup_pending = true;
> }
> /* Common DWC controller ops */
> --
> 2.25.1