答复: 答复: [PATCH v1] usb: gadget: u_serial: check Null pointer in EP callback

From: 胡连勤
Date: Fri Aug 16 2024 - 11:18:33 EST

Hello linux community expert:

>> > > Q: Are you running a mainline kernel?
>> > > A: Yes.
>> >
>> > You should reply without top posting (refer to [1]). I'm trying to
>> > be helpful to you but it's not easy. The question was if your on
>> > some 6.10.y or older version of the kernel, the step to reproduce
>> > it, and if you have any automation to test it
>> The kernel version that has the problem is 5.15.

>Which specific 5.15 kernel? The latest one or some random Android-provided 5.15 kernel?
Android 13-5.15.
The problem occurs randomly on kernel 5.15.

>Does this also show up on 6.11-rc3?
Kernel 6.11 is still under development and has not yet been tested on a large scale, so this problem has not yet been encountered.

>> To reproduce, turn on the combination mode of the mobile phone USB, such as adb+diag+serial_tty+rmnet_ipa+serial_cdev when running the monkey test.

>What is "monkey test"?
Run the apk, and after it runs, click randomly on the mobile phone interface without any pattern, default user usage scenario.

>I think this has been reported previously, and different patches have been proposed, have you searched the archives?
I haven't seen the patch given below before, I will read it carefully.
I searched for Linux mainline commits before submitting, but I only compared them according to the crash stack information and did not notice the following commit.

>Specifically, take a look at:
> https://lore.kernel.org/r/20240116141801.396398-1-khtsai@xxxxxxxxxx
