Re: [PATCH v3 4/4] iommu/vt-d: Introduce batched cache invalidation

From: Yi Liu
Date: Mon Aug 19 2024 - 03:54:32 EST

On 2024/8/17 11:28, Baolu Lu wrote:
On 2024/8/17 0:38, Jacob Pan wrote:
On Thu, 15 Aug 2024 14:52:21 +0800
Tina Zhang <tina.zhang@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

@@ -270,7 +343,8 @@ static void cache_tag_flush_iotlb(struct
dmar_domain *domain, struct cache_tag * u64 type = DMA_TLB_PSI_FLUSH;
      if (domain->use_first_level) {
-        qi_flush_piotlb(iommu, tag->domain_id, tag->pasid,
addr, pages, ih);
+        qi_batch_add_piotlb(iommu, tag->domain_id,
tag->pasid, addr,
+                    pages, ih, domain->qi_batch);
@@ -287,7 +361,8 @@ static void cache_tag_flush_iotlb(struct
dmar_domain *domain, struct cache_tag * }
      if (ecap_qis(iommu->ecap))
-        qi_flush_iotlb(iommu, tag->domain_id, addr | ih,
mask, type);
+        qi_batch_add_iotlb(iommu, tag->domain_id, addr | ih,
mask, type,
+                   domain->qi_batch);
If I understand this correctly, IOTLB flush maybe deferred until the
batch array is full, right? If so, is there a security gap where
callers think the mapping is gone after the call returns?
No. All related caches are flushed before function return. A domain can
have multiple cache tags. Previously, we sent individual cache
invalidation requests to hardware. This change combines all necessary
invalidation requests into a single batch and raise them to hardware
together to make it more efficient.

Hi Jacob,

Do you mean the configuration that iommu.strict==0? :) As the above
explanation from Baolu, this patch is not for that although it uses
the term "batched". Also, it would reduce the VMExits that due to the
IOTLB/DevTLB invalidation a lot in the virtualization environment.

Yi Liu