Re: 答复: [PATCH v1] usb: gadget: u_serial: check Null pointer in EP callback
From: Michael Nazzareno Trimarchi
Date: Mon Aug 19 2024 - 04:54:09 EST
On Mon, Aug 19, 2024 at 10:48 AM 胡连勤 <hulianqin@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hello linux community expert:
> >> >>I think this has been reported previously, and different patches have been proposed, have you searched the archives?
> >> > I haven't seen the patch given below before, I will read it carefully.
> >> > I searched for Linux mainline commits before submitting, but I only compared them according to the crash stack information and did not notice the following commit.
> >> I checked the stack trace again. The problem we encountered seems different from the problem reported in the link below, and they are not caused by the same reason.
> >>
> >Did you apply the patch? as suggested, is the test moving from one gadget to the other?
> We apply the patch into kernel 5.15 and ran a stress test, and the problem did not recur.
It means that does not happen again?
> Connect the phone to the PC via a USB cable and run the monkey test (run an apk and click on it at will on the phone interface).
Yes I know but this monkey test is running a stress test moving from
usb storage, to other configfs right?
> Thanks
Michael Nazzareno Trimarchi
Co-Founder & Chief Executive Officer
M. +39 347 913 2170
Amarula Solutions BV
Joop Geesinkweg 125, 1114 AB, Amsterdam, NL
T. +31 (0)85 111 9172