The alibaba_uncore_pmu driver forgot to clear all interrupt status
in the interrupt processing function. After the PMU counter overflow
interrupt occurred, an interrupt storm occurred, causing the system
to hang.
Therefore, clear the correct interrupt status in the interrupt handling
function to fix it.
Signed-off-by: Jing Zhang <renyu.zj@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
drivers/perf/alibaba_uncore_drw_pmu.c | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/drivers/perf/alibaba_uncore_drw_pmu.c b/drivers/perf/alibaba_uncore_drw_pmu.c
index 38a2947..c6ff1bc 100644
--- a/drivers/perf/alibaba_uncore_drw_pmu.c
+++ b/drivers/perf/alibaba_uncore_drw_pmu.c
@@ -400,7 +400,7 @@ static irqreturn_t ali_drw_pmu_isr(int irq_num, void *data)
/* clear common counter intr status */
+ clr_status = FIELD_PREP(ALI_DRW_PMCOM_CNT_OV_INTR_MASK, status);
drw_pmu->cfg_base + ALI_DRW_PMU_OV_INTR_CLR);