Re: [PATCH 12/13] media: qcom: camss: Add CSID Gen3 support for sm8550

From: Depeng Shao
Date: Mon Aug 19 2024 - 09:19:05 EST

Hi Bryan,

On 8/16/2024 10:45 PM, Bryan O'Donoghue wrote:
On 12/08/2024 15:41, Depeng Shao wrote:
+    for (i = 0; i < MSM_CSID_MAX_SRC_STREAMS; i++)
+        if (csid->phy.en_vc & BIT(i)) {
+            writel(BIT(BUF_DONE_IRQ_STATUS_RDI_OFFSET + i),
+                        csid->base + CSID_BUF_DONE_IRQ_CLEAR);
+            writel(0x1 << IRQ_CMD_CLEAR, csid->base + CSID_IRQ_CMD);

IRQ_CMD_CLEAR is for the CSID block not per RDI.

Sure, I will move IRQ_CMD_CLEAR outside of this loop.

I think you need to move the write outside of this loop too.

+            writel(BIT(BUF_DONE_IRQ_STATUS_RDI_OFFSET + i),
+                        csid->base + CSID_BUF_DONE_IRQ_MASK);
+        }

Yes, this also can be moved to outside of the loop. I will update them.
