Re: [PATCH RESEND v3 3/6] i3c: mipi-i3c-hci: Add a quirk to set PIO mode

From: Shyam Sundar S K
Date: Mon Aug 19 2024 - 12:36:39 EST

On 8/19/2024 16:40, Jarkko Nikula wrote:
> On 8/19/24 9:41 AM, Shyam Sundar S K wrote:
>>> I can add an additional check with the CPU ID and distinguish them(so
>>> the quirk gets applied to the affected HW versions) and just not
>>> restrict to X86_VENDOR_AMD, would that be fine with you?
>>> OTOH, Since these are quirks (where its a broken hardware problems)
>>> and the idea you suggested is related to driver data (where driver
>>> data is meant to store private information about the device)
>>> static const struct acpi_device_id i3c_hci_acpi_match[] = {
>>>       {}
>>> };
>>> does that not conflict? quirk vs driver data?
>>> I am OK to implement it the way you prefer :-)
>> Jarkko, any feedback on this?
> Sorry, forgot to reply... What do you mean about conflict? So if
> driver data would pass quirk bits as above and set only to unique ACPI
> ID specific to that HW then there is no reason to check CPU ID later
> in the code.

OK. Let me respin a new version.
