Re: [PATCH net,v5,2/2] net/smc: modify smc_sock structure

From: Jeongjun Park
Date: Tue Aug 20 2024 - 06:34:42 EST

Jeongjun Park wrote:
> Since inet_sk(sk)->pinet6 and smc_sk(sk)->clcsock practically
> point to the same address, when smc_create_clcsk() stores the newly
> created clcsock in smc_sk(sk)->clcsock, inet_sk(sk)->pinet6 is corrupted
> into clcsock. This causes NULL pointer dereference and various other
> memory corruptions.
> To solve this, we need to modify the smc_sock structure.
> Fixes: ac7138746e14 ("smc: establish new socket family")
> Signed-off-by: Jeongjun Park <aha310510@xxxxxxxxx>

Reported-by: syzkaller <syzkaller@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>