[PATCH 2/4] perf annotate-data: Update debug messages

From: Namhyung Kim
Date: Wed Aug 21 2024 - 19:26:55 EST

In check_matching_type(), it'd be easier to display the typename in
question if it's available.

For example, check out the line starts with 'chk'.
find data type for 0x10(reg0) at cpuacct_charge+0x13
CU for kernel/sched/build_utility.c (die:0x137ee0b)
frame base: cfa=1 fbreg=7
scope: [3/3] (die:13d9632)
bb: [c - 13]
var [c] reg5 type='struct task_struct*' size=0x8 (die:0x1381230)
mov [c] 0xdf8(reg5) -> reg0 type='struct css_set*' size=0x8 (die:0x1385c56)
chk [13] reg0 offset=0x10 ok=1 kind=1 (struct css_set*) : Good! <<<--- here
found by insn track: 0x10(reg0) type-offset=0x10
final result: type='struct css_set' size=0x250 (die:0x1385b0e)

Another example:
find data type for 0x8(reg0) at menu_select+0x279
CU for drivers/cpuidle/governors/menu.c (die:0x7b0fe79)
frame base: cfa=1 fbreg=7
scope: [2/2] (die:7b11010)
bb: [273 - 277]
bb: [279 - 279]
chk [279] reg0 offset=0x8 ok=0 kind=0 cfa : no type information
scope: [1/2] (die:7b10cbc)
bb: [0 - 64]
mov [26a] imm=0xffffffff -> reg15
bb: [273 - 277]
bb: [279 - 279]
chk [279] reg0 offset=0x8 ok=1 kind=1 (long long unsigned int) : no/void pointer <<<--- here
final result: no/void pointer

Also change some places to print negative offsets properly.

find data type for 0xffffff40(reg6) at __tcp_transmit_skb+0x58

find data type for -0xc0(reg6) at __tcp_transmit_skb+0x58

Signed-off-by: Namhyung Kim <namhyung@xxxxxxxxxx>
tools/perf/util/annotate-data.c | 45 +++++++++++++++++++++++++--------
1 file changed, 35 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tools/perf/util/annotate-data.c b/tools/perf/util/annotate-data.c
index f5eefcb71c4f..cedfe6edcd45 100644
--- a/tools/perf/util/annotate-data.c
+++ b/tools/perf/util/annotate-data.c
@@ -960,9 +960,16 @@ static enum type_match_result check_matching_type(struct type_state *state,
Dwarf_Word size;
u32 insn_offset = dloc->ip - dloc->ms->sym->start;
int reg = dloc->op->reg1;
+ int offset = dloc->op->offset;
+ const char *offset_sign = "";

- pr_debug_dtp("chk [%x] reg%d offset=%#x ok=%d kind=%d ",
- insn_offset, reg, dloc->op->offset,
+ if (offset < 0) {
+ offset = -offset;
+ offset_sign = "-";
+ }
+ pr_debug_dtp("chk [%x] reg%d offset=%s%#x ok=%d kind=%d ",
+ insn_offset, reg, offset_sign, offset,
state->regs[reg].ok, state->regs[reg].kind);

if (!state->regs[reg].ok)
@@ -970,6 +977,12 @@ static enum type_match_result check_matching_type(struct type_state *state,

if (state->regs[reg].kind == TSR_KIND_TYPE) {
Dwarf_Die sized_type;
+ struct strbuf sb;
+ strbuf_init(&sb, 32);
+ die_get_typename_from_type(&state->regs[reg].type, &sb);
+ pr_debug_dtp("(%s)", sb.buf);
+ strbuf_release(&sb);

* Normal registers should hold a pointer (or array) to
@@ -1119,7 +1132,6 @@ static enum type_match_result check_matching_type(struct type_state *state,
if (dso__kernel(map__dso(dloc->ms->map))) {
u64 addr;
- int offset;

/* Direct this-cpu access like "%gs:0x34740" */
if (dloc->op->segment == INSN_SEG_X86_GS && dloc->op->imm &&
@@ -1271,6 +1283,13 @@ static enum type_match_result find_data_type_block(struct data_loc_info *dloc,
cu_die, type_die);
if (ret == PERF_TMR_OK) {
char buf[64];
+ int offset = dloc->op->offset;
+ const char *offset_sign = "";
+ if (offset < 0) {
+ offset = -offset;
+ offset_sign = "-";
+ }

if (dloc->op->multi_regs)
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "reg%d, reg%d",
@@ -1278,8 +1297,8 @@ static enum type_match_result find_data_type_block(struct data_loc_info *dloc,
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "reg%d", dloc->op->reg1);

- pr_debug_dtp("found by insn track: %#x(%s) type-offset=%#x\n",
- dloc->op->offset, buf, dloc->type_offset);
+ pr_debug_dtp("found by insn track: %s%#x(%s) type-offset=%#x\n",
+ offset_sign, offset, buf, dloc->type_offset);

@@ -1302,7 +1321,7 @@ static int find_data_type_die(struct data_loc_info *dloc, Dwarf_Die *type_die)
struct annotated_op_loc *loc = dloc->op;
Dwarf_Die cu_die, var_die;
Dwarf_Die *scopes = NULL;
- int reg, offset;
+ int reg, offset = loc->offset;
int ret = -1;
int i, nr_scopes;
int fbreg = -1;
@@ -1312,6 +1331,7 @@ static int find_data_type_die(struct data_loc_info *dloc, Dwarf_Die *type_die)
u64 pc;
char buf[64];
enum type_match_result result = PERF_TMR_UNKNOWN;
+ const char *offset_sign = "";

if (dloc->op->multi_regs)
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "reg%d, reg%d", dloc->op->reg1, dloc->op->reg2);
@@ -1320,10 +1340,15 @@ static int find_data_type_die(struct data_loc_info *dloc, Dwarf_Die *type_die)
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "reg%d", dloc->op->reg1);

+ if (offset < 0) {
+ offset = -offset;
+ offset_sign = "-";
+ }
- pr_debug_dtp("find data type for %#x(%s) at %s+%#"PRIx64"\n",
- dloc->op->offset, buf, dloc->ms->sym->name,
- dloc->ip - dloc->ms->sym->start);
+ pr_debug_dtp("find data type for %s%#x(%s) at %s+%#"PRIx64"\n",
+ offset_sign, offset, buf,
+ dloc->ms->sym->name, dloc->ip - dloc->ms->sym->start);

* IP is a relative instruction address from the start of the map, as
@@ -1453,8 +1478,8 @@ static int find_data_type_die(struct data_loc_info *dloc, Dwarf_Die *type_die)

+ pr_debug_dtp("final result: ");
if (found) {
- pr_debug_dtp("final type:");
pr_debug_type_name(type_die, TSR_KIND_TYPE);
ret = 0;
} else {