Re: [PATCH v1 2/2] LoongArch: Add ifdefs to fix LSX and LASX related issues

From: maobibo
Date: Wed Aug 21 2024 - 23:04:26 EST

On 2024/8/22 上午10:51, Tiezhu Yang wrote:
On 08/22/2024 09:09 AM, maobibo wrote:

On 2024/8/21 下午6:07, Tiezhu Yang wrote:
On 08/21/2024 09:12 AM, maobibo wrote:

On 2024/8/20 下午8:37, Tiezhu Yang wrote:
There exist some issues when building kernel if CONFIG_CPU_HAS_LBT
is set
but CONFIG_CPU_HAS_LSX and CONFIG_CPU_HAS_LASX are not set. In this
there are no definitions of _restore_lsx and _restore_lasx and there
also no definitions of kvm_restore_lsx and kvm_restore_lasx in fpu.S
switch.S respectively, just add some ifdefs to fix the issues.


It is hard to understand to put CONFIG_CPU_HAS_LASX inside
CONFIG_CPU_HAS_LBT, in general option CONFIG_CPU_HAS_LBT has nothing

Would you like to add parameter func in macro fpu_restore_csr like this?

--- a/arch/loongarch/include/asm/asmmacro.h
+++ b/arch/loongarch/include/asm/asmmacro.h
@@ -55,10 +55,11 @@

-       .macro fpu_restore_csr thread tmp0 tmp1
+       .macro fpu_restore_csr thread tmp0 tmp1 func
        ldptr.w         \tmp0, \thread, THREAD_FCSR
        movgr2fcsr      fcsr0, \tmp0
+       STACK_FRAME_NON_STANDARD        \func
        /* TM bit is always 0 if LBT not supported */
        andi            \tmp0, \tmp0, FPU_CSR_TM
        beqz            \tmp0, 2f
@@ -282,10 +283,10 @@
        lsx_save_data           \thread, \tmp0

For the record, I modified the related code as you suggested and
tested with various configs, it works well.

But as we discussed offline, these current changes are small relatively
and the STACK_FRAME_NON_STANDARD related code may be removed if there
is a proper possible way, so just leave it as is in my opinion.
Just be curious, what is the proper possible way to remove this, is it
solved with new gcc/binutil version?  Do we plan to drop latest
gcc/binutils support in near future only in order to remove these

These STACK_FRAME_NON_STANDARD related assembler code are irrelevant
with compiler toolchains, the proper possible way is not yet clear
for now but it is only related with kernel code itself.
OK, I see. Thanks for the explanation, and I am ok for this patch.

Bibo Mao

The support of compiler toolchains is to solve the issues such as
the relocation type of label diff and jumptable info of swith case.

The above two things are independent.
