[PATCH 07/16] reset: rzg2l-usbphy-ctrl: Get reset control array

From: Claudiu
Date: Thu Aug 22 2024 - 11:31:21 EST

From: Claudiu Beznea <claudiu.beznea.uj@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Before accessing the USB area of the RZ/G3S SoC the PWRRDY bit of the
SYS_USB_PWRRDY register need to be cleared. When USB area is not used the
PWRRDY bit of the SYS_USB_PWRRDY register need to be set. This register is
in the SYSC controller address space and the assert/de-assert of the
signal handled by SYSC_USB_PWRRDY was implemented as a reset signal.

The USB modules available on the RZ/G3S SoC that need this bit set are:
- USB ch0 (supporting host and peripheral mode)
- USB ch2 (supporting host mode)
- USBPHY control

As the USBPHY control is the root device for all the other USB channels
(USB ch0, USB ch1) add support to set the PWRRDY for the USB area when
initializing the USBPHY control. As this is done though reset signals
get the reset array in the USBPHY control driver.

Signed-off-by: Claudiu Beznea <claudiu.beznea.uj@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
drivers/reset/reset-rzg2l-usbphy-ctrl.c | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/drivers/reset/reset-rzg2l-usbphy-ctrl.c b/drivers/reset/reset-rzg2l-usbphy-ctrl.c
index 1cd157f4f03b..8b64c12f3bec 100644
--- a/drivers/reset/reset-rzg2l-usbphy-ctrl.c
+++ b/drivers/reset/reset-rzg2l-usbphy-ctrl.c
@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ static int rzg2l_usbphy_ctrl_probe(struct platform_device *pdev)
if (IS_ERR(regmap))
return PTR_ERR(regmap);

- priv->rstc = devm_reset_control_get_exclusive(&pdev->dev, NULL);
+ priv->rstc = devm_reset_control_array_get_exclusive(&pdev->dev);
if (IS_ERR(priv->rstc))
return dev_err_probe(dev, PTR_ERR(priv->rstc),
"failed to get reset\n");