[PATCH v2 0/1] hwmon: (oxp-sensors) Add support for multiple new devices.

From: Derek J. Clark
Date: Thu Aug 22 2024 - 14:35:38 EST

This patch adds new devices from AYANEO, OneXPlayer and OrangePi. There are
also some formatting changes done for improving readability and making the
lists consistent bewtween the multiple functions, when it made sense to do
so. These changes have been tested by multiple users since April of this
year as part of the ChimeraOS and Manjaro Handheld Edition kernels.

In addition to fixing the fall-through switch case from the last patch, I
simplified the match cases for all three version of the OneXPlayer 2 as
well as the two AYANEO 2 and GEEK models. Some additional testing came
back identifying the fan speed read register for the 2 series was
different than previous models, so I adjusted that as well. I also added
the OneXPlayer X1 series as they use the same registers as the 2 series
and we were able to finish testing on them.

Derek J. Clark (1):
Add support for multiple new devices.

Documentation/hwmon/oxp-sensors.rst | 54 +++--
drivers/hwmon/oxp-sensors.c | 299 +++++++++++++++++++++++-----
2 files changed, 290 insertions(+), 63 deletions(-)
