Re: [PATCH] perf scripts python Skip disasm if address continuity is broken

From: James Clark
Date: Fri Aug 23 2024 - 06:36:14 EST

On 23/08/2024 10:57 am, Ganapatrao Kulkarni wrote:

Hi James/Mike,

On 23-08-2024 02:33 pm, James Clark wrote:

On 19/08/2024 11:59 am, Mike Leach wrote:

A new branch of OpenCSD is available - ocsd-consistency-checks-1.5.4-rc1

Testing I managed to do confirms the N atom on unconditional branches
appear to work. I do not have a test case for the range

The checks are enabled using operation flags on decoder creation. See
the docs for details.


Hi Mike,

I tested the new OpenCSD and I don't see the error anymore in the
disassembly script. I'm not sure if we need to go any further and add
the backwards check, it looks like just a later symptom and the checks
that you've added already prevent it.

If you release a new version I can send the perf patch. I was going to
use these flags if that looks right to you? As far as I know that's the
set that can be always on and won't fail on bad hardware?

I also assumed that ETM4_OPFLG_PKTDEC_AA64_OPCODE_CHK can be given even
for etmv3 and it's just a nop?

diff --git a/tools/perf/util/cs-etm-decoder/cs-etm-decoder.c b/tools/perf/util/cs-etm-decoder/cs-etm-decoder.c
index e917985bbbe6..90967fd807e6 100644
--- a/tools/perf/util/cs-etm-decoder/cs-etm-decoder.c
+++ b/tools/perf/util/cs-etm-decoder/cs-etm-decoder.c
@@ -685,9 +685,14 @@ cs_etm_decoder__create_etm_decoder(struct cs_etm_decoder_params *d_params,
                 return 0;

         if (d_params->operation == CS_ETM_OPERATION_DECODE) {
+               int decode_flags = OCSD_CREATE_FLG_FULL_DECODER;
+                               ETM4_OPFLG_PKTDEC_AA64_OPCODE_CHK;
                 if (ocsd_dt_create_decoder(decoder->dcd_tree,
-                                          OCSD_CREATE_FLG_FULL_DECODER,
+                                          decode_flags,
                                            trace_config, &csid))
                         return -1;

I tried Mike's branch with above James's patch and still the segfault is happening to us.

Did you update OpenCSD as well?