Re: [PATCH 3/3] Docs/filesystems/9p: Convert a URL to original one

From: Dominique Martinet
Date: Sun Aug 25 2024 - 21:24:28 EST

SeongJae Park wrote on Sun, Aug 25, 2024 at 06:09:49PM -0700:
> Google URL shortner will be unavailable soon[1]. Replace a shortened
> URL on 9p.rst with its original one.
> [1]
> Signed-off-by: SeongJae Park <sj@xxxxxxxxxx>

Sorry, we (9p maintainers) slacked on this one - there's been a better
patch for this one:

The sciweavers link doesn't actually work, so it doesn't make sense to
replace as is.
(although you could argue that it's probably been broken forever an
nobody noticed, so it could just as well be removed...)

There's no patch queued for 9p, so if you (Jonathan) want to take the
other patch please feel free to.
If it goes through the 9p tree it'll get in the next time we send
something as I don't feel the need to send Linus a PR just for this, so
that might be a couple of months further down.
(I don't like patch series where folks are added in Cc on individual
patches because it's never clear who is expected to grab the patch in
the end...)
