Re: [PATCH v3 2/5] usb: pxa27x_udc: Use devm_clk_get_enabled() helpers

From: Christophe JAILLET
Date: Mon Aug 26 2024 - 16:18:27 EST

Le 26/08/2024 à 10:22, Lei Liu a écrit :
The devm_clk_get_enabled() helpers:
- call devm_clk_get()
- call clk_prepare_enable() and register what is needed in order to
call clk_disable_unprepare() when needed, as a managed resource.

This simplifies the code and avoids calls to clk_disable_unprepare().


The S-o-b should be here, above the first ---.

Same for patch 4 et 5.

v2 -> v3
Fix the email thread.

v1 -> v2
Incorrect usage of clk_prepare_enable() should be
corrected to devm_clk_get_enabled().

Signed-off-by: Lei Liu <liulei.rjpt-DGpbCiVdSXo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

drivers/usb/gadget/udc/pxa27x_udc.c | 6 +-----
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/drivers/usb/gadget/udc/pxa27x_udc.c b/drivers/usb/gadget/udc/pxa27x_udc.c
index 1a6317e4b2a3..0619507d187e 100644
--- a/drivers/usb/gadget/udc/pxa27x_udc.c
+++ b/drivers/usb/gadget/udc/pxa27x_udc.c
@@ -2398,14 +2398,10 @@ static int pxa_udc_probe(struct platform_device *pdev)
if (udc->gpiod)
gpiod_direction_output(udc->gpiod, 0);
- udc->clk = devm_clk_get(&pdev->dev, NULL);
+ udc->clk = devm_clk_get_enabled(&pdev->dev, NULL);
if (IS_ERR(udc->clk))
return PTR_ERR(udc->clk);
- retval = clk_prepare(udc->clk);
- if (retval)
- return retval;

Also the patches looks truncated, but sometimes my mailer plays me some tricks, but it looks ok on lore. See [1].

The clk_unprepare() in the error handling in the probe and in the remove function should also be removed.

