Re: [PATCH RFC 0/3] Add generic Overlay for Grove Sunlight Sensor

From: Andrew Davis
Date: Tue Aug 27 2024 - 11:22:50 EST

On 8/27/24 8:20 AM, Ayush Singh wrote:
Sorry, no I've not had time to circle back to this for the last couple weeks,
and don't expect to be able to for a couple more :(

Np, I will see what I can do.

The two parts I see that are missing are:

1) The /append-property/ tag [0].

So how do you envision it? Maybe something like the following:


/ {

    node {

        prop = <0x00>;




&node {

    /append-property/ prop;

    prop = <0x01>;


Or would it be better to append 1 element at a time, as follows:

&node {

    /append-property/ prop 0x01;



/append-property/ prop = <0x01 0x02 0x03>;

work? We will want to be able to append lists. Some type
checking will be needed, but shouldn't be too bad.

Probably good to get input from the DT folks which syntax
looks best to them.

2) Allowing the __symbols__ table properties to be phandles, not just
full path strings.

For item 2, this will make the "adapter overlays" look much nicer, but
more importantly allow chaining together adapters more easily.

Both these changes will need to be made in the DTC project, then
moved back into kernel. Neither change breaks any existing compatibility
so I don't expect much resistance there. It just takes some time
to get changes in, then have them migrated to a kernel release before
we can make use of them.

If you want to help with either of those two items (I can provide more
details if needed), that could help keep this moving along. :)



I am in the process of understanding the dtc codebase. Will send patches to device-tree mailing list since that seems to be easier to keep track of with the Linux patches instead of GitHub PRs.

IIRC they have a dedicated mailing list for DTC,



Ayush Singh