Re: [PATCH v16 10/16] x86/sgx: Implement async reclamation for cgroup

From: Huang, Kai
Date: Tue Aug 27 2024 - 19:46:45 EST

On 27/08/2024 10:22 pm, Huang, Kai wrote:
On Tue, 2024-08-20 at 18:53 -0700, Haitao Huang wrote:
+ * Only called during init to unwind what's done in sgx_cgroup_init()
+ */
+void __init sgx_cgroup_deinit(void)
+ destroy_workqueue(sgx_cg_wq);


arch/x86/kernel/cpu/sgx/epc_cgroup.c:412: warning: This comment starts with
'/**', but isn't a kernel-doc comment. Refer Documentation/doc-guide/kernel-
* Only called during init to unwind what's done in sgx_cgroup_init()

With this fixed, and things mentioned in ..

.. done:

Reviewed-by: Kai Huang <kai.huang@xxxxxxxxx>