Re: [PATCH 6/6] arm64: dts: qcom: add base QCS615 RIDE dts

From: Lijuan Gao
Date: Wed Aug 28 2024 - 06:07:02 EST

在 8/28/2024 5:34 PM, Krzysztof Kozlowski 写道:
On 28/08/2024 11:31, Lijuan Gao wrote:
+/ {
+ model = "Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. QCS615 Ride";
+ compatible = "qcom,qcs615-ride", "qcom,qcs615";
+ chosen {
+ bootargs = "console=hvc0";

Noooo, last time I agreed on this, you told me later it is different.

In the early stages, enabling HVC is to more easily verify clock and
PMIC related functions, as it’s difficult to debug without the console
log. After the clock and PMIC are ready, we will enable the UART console.

Working serial is supposed to be part of the early submission.

Okay, I will remove it in the next patch.

Can you post next version with proper serial device?
Well noted, will update in the next version.

Best regards,

Thx and BRs
Lijuan Gao