Re: [PATCH] arm64: dts: ti: k3-j784s4-main: align watchdog clocks

From: Nishanth Menon
Date: Wed Aug 28 2024 - 14:40:02 EST

Hi Eric Chanudet,

On Mon, 05 Aug 2024 13:42:51 -0400, Eric Chanudet wrote:
> assigned-clock sets DEV_RTIx_RTI_CLK(id:0) whereas clocks sets
> look right, the timers in the driver assume a max frequency of 32kHz for
> the heartbeat (HFOSC0 is 19.2MHz on j784s4-evm).
> With this change, WDIOC_GETTIMELEFT return coherent time left
> (DEFAULT_HEARTBEAT=60, reports 60s upon opening the cdev).
> [...]

I have applied the following to branch ti-k3-dts-next on [1].
Thank you!

[1/1] arm64: dts: ti: k3-j784s4-main: align watchdog clocks
commit: 549833b697534a6f61840941b7c847669cfd77fa

PS: I did replace the http url with the tisci https:// url in the commit
log. This is inline with the base url used in kernel documentation
till date.

All being well this means that it will be integrated into the linux-next
tree (usually sometime in the next 24 hours) and sent up the chain during
the next merge window (or sooner if it is a relevant bug fix), however if
problems are discovered then the patch may be dropped or reverted.

You may get further e-mails resulting from automated or manual testing
and review of the tree, please engage with people reporting problems and
send followup patches addressing any issues that are reported if needed.

If any updates are required or you are submitting further changes they
should be sent as incremental updates against current git, existing
patches will not be replaced.

Please add any relevant lists and maintainers to the CCs when replying
to this mail.

Nishanth Menon
Key (0xDDB5849D1736249D) / Fingerprint: F8A2 8693 54EB 8232 17A3 1A34 DDB5 849D 1736 249D