Re: [PATCH RESEND v27 0/3] Introduce Nuvoton Arbel NPCM8XX BMC SoC

From: Stephen Boyd
Date: Wed Aug 28 2024 - 16:55:59 EST

Quoting Tomer Maimon (2024-08-15 08:02:52)
> This patchset adds clock support for the Nuvoton
> Arbel NPCM8XX Board Management controller (BMC) SoC family.
> The NPCM8xx clock controller is created using the auxiliary device framework
> and set up in the npcm reset driver since the NPCM8xx clock is using the
> same register region.
> This patchset cover letter is based from the initial support for NPCM8xx BMC to
> keep tracking the version history.
> This patchset was tested on the Arbel NPCM8XX evaluation board.
> No changes since version 26, only tested in kernel 6.11.rc1

Thanks for working on this! I'm waiting for Philipp to review/ack the
reset driver part. Until then I don't think I can apply this series to
the clk tree. I'll add a review tag to the clk driver patch in case that