Re: [PATCH v2 1/2] netpoll: Make netpoll_send_udp return status instead of void

From: Jakub Kicinski
Date: Wed Aug 28 2024 - 18:58:08 EST

On Wed, 28 Aug 2024 14:33:48 -0700 Maksym Kutsevol wrote:
> netpoll_send_udp can return if send was successful.
> It will allow client code to be aware of the send status.
> Possible return values are the result of __netpoll_send_skb (cast to int)
> and -ENOMEM. This doesn't cover the case when TX was not successful
> instantaneously and was scheduled for later, __netpoll__send_skb returns
> success in that case.

no need to repost but, quoting documentation:

Resending after review

Allow at least 24 hours to pass between postings. This will ensure reviewers
from all geographical locations have a chance to chime in. Do not wait
too long (weeks) between postings either as it will make it harder for reviewers
to recall all the context.

Make sure you address all the feedback in your new posting. Do not post a new
version of the code if the discussion about the previous version is still
ongoing, unless directly instructed by a reviewer.

The new version of patches should be posted as a separate thread,
not as a reply to the previous posting. Change log should include a link
to the previous posting (see :ref:`Changes requested`).
