Re: [PATCH] ACPI: Remove msleep() bloat from acpi_os_sleep()

From: Anna-Maria Behnsen
Date: Thu Aug 29 2024 - 04:04:46 EST

Anna-Maria Behnsen <anna-maria@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:


> Lets have a deeper look to msleep() internals: msleep() uses timer list
> timers. Because of the design of the timer wheel (granularity of buckets
> increases with the levels) and because of the granularity of jiffies the
> sleep values will be longer as specified. Let's assume we are executing
> a msleep(1) on a HZ=250 system:
> First msecs are mapped on jiffies, so this results in a 4ms timeout
> value, as there is nothing shorter than 1 jiffie. Then the jiffie value
> is handed over to timer code and msleep() adds another jiffie to the
> timeout. The timeout is then 2 jiffies or 8ms. With this timeout a timer
> list timer is queued. To make sure that timers will not fire early or
> race with a concurrent incrementation of jiffie, timers are queued
> always into the next bucket. As the timer will end up in the first level
> of the timer wheel the granularity of the buckets is 1 jiffies. This
> means that the timeout would be 3 jiffies in worst case.
> The additional jiffie in msleep() is the historical prevention that the
> sleep time is at least the specified time. This is handled by timer
> wheel core code itself, so this extra jiffie could be removed. I will
> provide a patch for it.

I missed to use the whole cc list above when sending the patch:

