Re: [PATCH] x86/sev: Fix host kdump support for SNP

From: Borislav Petkov
Date: Thu Aug 29 2024 - 04:35:36 EST

On August 27, 2024 10:38:04 PM GMT+02:00, Ashish Kalra <Ashish.Kalra@xxxxxxx> wrote:
>From: Ashish Kalra <ashish.kalra@xxxxxxx>
>With active SNP VMs, SNP_SHUTDOWN_EX invoked during panic notifiers causes
>crashkernel boot failure with the following signature:

Why would SNP_SHUTDOWN be allowed *at all* if there are active SNP guests and there's potential to lose guest data in the process?!

I don't think you want to be on the receiving end of those customer support calls at your cloud provider...

Sent from a small device: formatting sucks and brevity is inevitable.