[PATCH 17/21] drm/msm/dpu: setup pipes with 2 set of stage config

From: Jun Nie
Date: Thu Aug 29 2024 - 06:30:18 EST

The first 2 fields in multirect_index and stage array are for the first
SSPP and its multi-rect. And the later 2 fields are for the 2nd SSPP
and its multi-rect.

Signed-off-by: Jun Nie <jun.nie@xxxxxxxxxx>
drivers/gpu/drm/msm/disp/dpu1/dpu_crtc.c | 76 +++++++++++++++++++++++---------
1 file changed, 55 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-)

diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/msm/disp/dpu1/dpu_crtc.c b/drivers/gpu/drm/msm/disp/dpu1/dpu_crtc.c
index 2c21a1e13d32f..3b3cd17976082 100644
--- a/drivers/gpu/drm/msm/disp/dpu1/dpu_crtc.c
+++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/msm/disp/dpu1/dpu_crtc.c
@@ -397,9 +397,8 @@ static void _dpu_crtc_blend_setup_pipe(struct drm_crtc *crtc,
const struct msm_format *format,
uint64_t modifier,
struct dpu_sw_pipe *pipe,
- unsigned int stage_idx,
- struct dpu_hw_stage_cfg *stage_cfg
- )
+ unsigned int pipe_idx,
+ struct dpu_hw_stage_cfg *stage_cfg)
uint32_t lm_idx;
enum dpu_sspp sspp_idx;
@@ -410,7 +409,7 @@ static void _dpu_crtc_blend_setup_pipe(struct drm_crtc *crtc,
state = plane->state;

trace_dpu_crtc_setup_mixer(DRMID(crtc), DRMID(plane),
- state, to_dpu_plane_state(state), stage_idx,
+ state, to_dpu_plane_state(state), pipe_idx,

@@ -422,8 +421,14 @@ static void _dpu_crtc_blend_setup_pipe(struct drm_crtc *crtc,
state->fb ? state->fb->base.id : -1,

- stage_cfg->stage[stage][stage_idx] = sspp_idx;
- stage_cfg->multirect_index[stage][stage_idx] = pipe->multirect_index;
+ /* Mark sspp[sspp_idx] to be blended in stage[stage], pipe_idx decide
+ * the SSPP is blended into which mixer. For example, SSPP 1 goes to
+ * left half of screen, then pipe_idx 0 and 1 shall be set for sspp_idx
+ * 1 in quad-pipe case.
+ * The operation is done in dpu_hw_ctl_setup_blendstage()
+ */
+ stage_cfg->stage[stage][pipe_idx] = sspp_idx;
+ stage_cfg->multirect_index[stage][pipe_idx] = pipe->multirect_index;

/* blend config update */
for (lm_idx = 0; lm_idx < num_mixers; lm_idx++)
@@ -441,8 +446,9 @@ static void _dpu_crtc_blend_setup_mixer(struct drm_crtc *crtc,
struct dpu_plane_state *pstate = NULL;
const struct msm_format *format;
struct dpu_hw_ctl *ctl = mixer->lm_ctl;
+ struct dpu_sw_pipe *pipe;

- uint32_t lm_idx;
+ uint32_t lm_idx, i, c;
bool bg_alpha_enable = false;

@@ -463,20 +469,48 @@ static void _dpu_crtc_blend_setup_mixer(struct drm_crtc *crtc,
if (pstate->stage == DPU_STAGE_BASE && format->alpha_enable)
bg_alpha_enable = true;

- set_bit(pstate->pipe.sspp->idx, fetch_active);
- _dpu_crtc_blend_setup_pipe(crtc, plane,
- mixer, cstate->num_mixers,
- pstate->stage,
- format, fb ? fb->modifier : 0,
- &pstate->pipe, 0, stage_cfg);
- if (pstate->r_pipe.sspp) {
- set_bit(pstate->r_pipe.sspp->idx, fetch_active);
- _dpu_crtc_blend_setup_pipe(crtc, plane,
- mixer, cstate->num_mixers,
- pstate->stage,
- format, fb ? fb->modifier : 0,
- &pstate->r_pipe, 1, stage_cfg);
+ /*
+ * Check whether the SSPP fall into left/right half of screen
+ * via mxcfg_id. The left half is the default area with the
+ * first config. And the right half is with the second config
+ * in quad pipe case. The SSPP for the left half always come
+ * first in pipe array.
+ *
+ * For example: there are one SSPP for left and another SSPP for
+ * right with a super wide plane in quad-pipe case, with multi-
+ * rect mode on both SSPP. The pipe index for the 1st SSPP are
+ * 0/1 which goes to left half with the first 2 mixers. The pipe
+ * index for the 2nd SSPP are 2/3 to indicate the SSPP will go
+ * to the right half with 3rd/4th mixer in 4 mixers.
+ *
+ * If a small size plane is only on right half of screen in quad
+ * pipe case, there shall be only one SSPP without multi-rect
+ * mode. Then only the fisrt field of pipe array is valid with
+ * the config id to be 1. The config id 1 indicates the SSPP go
+ * to the 2nd half/rectangle of screen that clipping with the id
+ * in dpu_plane_atomic_check_nopipe().
+ */
+ for (c = 0; c < MIX_CFGS_IN_CRTC; c++) {
+ u32 pipe_idx = c * 2;
+ for (i = 0; i < PIPES_PER_STAGE; i++) {
+ DRM_DEBUG_ATOMIC("Checking pipe %d visible %d, pipe_cfg_id %d vs %d\n",
+ i, pstate->pipe_cfg[i].visible, pstate->pipe_cfg[i].mxcfg_id, c);
+ if (!pstate->pipe_cfg[i].visible)
+ break;
+ if (pstate->pipe_cfg[i].mxcfg_id != c)
+ continue;
+ pipe = &pstate->pipe[i];
+ if (!pipe->sspp)
+ continue;
+ set_bit(pipe->sspp->idx, fetch_active);
+ DRM_DEBUG_ATOMIC("blend pipe %d with sspp_%d\n", i, pipe->sspp->idx);
+ _dpu_crtc_blend_setup_pipe(crtc, plane,
+ mixer, cstate->num_mixers,
+ pstate->stage,
+ format, fb ? fb->modifier : 0,
+ pipe, pipe_idx++, stage_cfg);
+ }

/* blend config update */
