Re: [PATCH v6 22/26] rust: alloc: implement `Cmalloc` in module allocator_test
From: Benno Lossin
Date: Thu Aug 29 2024 - 15:15:25 EST
On 16.08.24 02:11, Danilo Krummrich wrote:
> So far the kernel's `Box` and `Vec` types can't be used by userspace
> test cases, since all users of those types (e.g. `CString`) use kernel
> allocators for instantiation.
> In order to allow userspace test cases to make use of such types as
> well, implement the `Cmalloc` allocator within the allocator_test module
> and type alias all kernel allocators to `Cmalloc`. The `Cmalloc`
> allocator uses libc's realloc() function as allocator backend.
> Signed-off-by: Danilo Krummrich <dakr@xxxxxxxxxx>
> ---
> rust/kernel/alloc/ | 178 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
> 1 file changed, 171 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)
> diff --git a/rust/kernel/alloc/ b/rust/kernel/alloc/
> index 1b2642c547ec..7fff308d02dc 100644
> --- a/rust/kernel/alloc/
> +++ b/rust/kernel/alloc/
> @@ -2,20 +2,184 @@
Could add a short paragraph as the module description why this module
exists? Would probably be enough to paste the commit message.
> #![allow(missing_docs)]
> -use super::{AllocError, Allocator, Flags};
> +use super::{flags::*, AllocError, Allocator, Flags};
> use core::alloc::Layout;
> +use core::cmp;
> +use core::mem;
> +use core::ptr;
> use core::ptr::NonNull;
> -pub struct Kmalloc;
> +pub struct Cmalloc;
> +pub type Kmalloc = Cmalloc;
> pub type Vmalloc = Kmalloc;
> pub type KVmalloc = Kmalloc;
> -unsafe impl Allocator for Kmalloc {
> +extern "C" {
> + #[link_name = "aligned_alloc"]
> + fn libc_aligned_alloc(align: usize, size: usize) -> *mut core::ffi::c_void;
> +
> + #[link_name = "free"]
> + fn libc_free(ptr: *mut core::ffi::c_void);
> +}
> +
> +struct CmallocData {
> + // The actual size as requested through `Cmalloc::alloc` or `Cmalloc::realloc`.
> + size: usize,
> + // The offset from the pointer returned to the caller of `Cmalloc::alloc` or `Cmalloc::realloc`
> + // to the actual base address of the allocation.
> + offset: usize,
> +}
> +
> +impl Cmalloc {
> + /// Adjust the size and alignment such that we can additionally store `CmallocData` right
> + /// before the actual data described by `layout`.
> + ///
> + /// Example:
> + ///
> + /// For `CmallocData` assume an alignment of 8 and a size of 16.
> + /// For `layout` assume and alignment of 16 and a size of 64.
This looks like you want it rendered as bulletpoints (but it won't).
> + ///
> + /// 0 16 32 96
> + /// |----------------|----------------|------------------------------------------------|
> + /// empty CmallocData data
Can you put this inside of '```'? Then it will render nicely in markdown
(don't forget to specify the type 'text')
> + ///
> + /// For this example the returned `Layout` has an alignment of 32 and a size of 96.
> + fn layout_adjust(layout: Layout) -> Result<Layout, AllocError> {
> + let layout = layout.pad_to_align();
> +
> + // Ensure that `CmallocData` fits into half the alignment. Additionally, this guarantees
> + // that advancing a pointer aligned to `align` by `align / 2` we still satisfy or exceed
> + // the alignment requested through `layout`.
> + let align = cmp::max(
> + layout.align(),
> + mem::size_of::<CmallocData>().next_power_of_two(),
> + ) * 2;
> +
> + // Add the additional space required for `CmallocData`.
> + let size = layout.size() + mem::size_of::<CmallocData>();
> +
> + Ok(Layout::from_size_align(size, align)
> + .map_err(|_| AllocError)?
> + .pad_to_align())
> + }
> +
> + fn alloc_store_data(layout: Layout) -> Result<NonNull<u8>, AllocError> {
> + let requested_size = layout.size();
> +
> + let layout = Self::layout_adjust(layout)?;
> + let min_align = layout.align() / 2;
> +
> + // SAFETY: Returns either NULL or a pointer to a memory allocation that satisfies or
> + // exceeds the given size and alignment requirements.
> + let raw_ptr = unsafe { libc_aligned_alloc(layout.align(), layout.size()) } as *mut u8;
> +
> + let priv_ptr = NonNull::new(raw_ptr).ok_or(AllocError)?;
> +
> + // SAFETY: Advance the pointer by `min_align`. The adjustments from `Self::layout_adjust`
> + // ensure that after this operation the original size and alignment requirements are still
> + // satisfied or exceeded.
This SAFETY comment should address why it's OK to call `add`. You
justify something different, namely why the allocation still satisfies
the requirements of `layout`. That is something that this function
should probably guarantee.
> + let ptr = unsafe { priv_ptr.as_ptr().add(min_align) };
> +
> + // SAFETY: `min_align` is greater than or equal to the size of `CmallocData`, hence we
> + // don't exceed the allocation boundaries.
> + let data_ptr: *mut CmallocData = unsafe { ptr.sub(mem::size_of::<CmallocData>()) }.cast();
> +
> + let data = CmallocData {
> + size: requested_size,
> + offset: min_align,
> + };
> +
> + // SAFETY: `data_ptr` is properly aligned and within the allocation boundaries reserved for
> + // `CmallocData`.
> + unsafe { data_ptr.write(data) };
> +
> + NonNull::new(ptr).ok_or(AllocError)
> + }
> +
> + /// # Safety
> + ///
> + /// `ptr` must have been previously allocated with `Self::alloc_store_data`.
You additionally need that you have shared access to the pointee.
> + unsafe fn data<'a>(ptr: NonNull<u8>) -> &'a CmallocData {
> + // SAFETY: `Self::alloc_store_data` stores the `CmallocData` right before the address
> + // returned to callers of `Self::alloc_store_data`.
> + let data_ptr: *mut CmallocData =
> + unsafe { ptr.as_ptr().sub(mem::size_of::<CmallocData>()) }.cast();
> +
> + // SAFETY: The `CmallocData` has been previously stored at this offset with
> + // `Self::alloc_store_data`.
> + unsafe { &*data_ptr }
> + }
> +
> + /// # Safety
> + ///
> + /// This function must not be called more than once for the same allocation.
> + ///
> + /// `ptr` must have been previously allocated with `Self::alloc_store_data`.
You additionally need that you have exclusive access to the pointee.
> + unsafe fn free_read_data(ptr: NonNull<u8>) {
> + // SAFETY: `ptr` has been created by `Self::alloc_store_data`.
> + let data = unsafe { Self::data(ptr) };
> +
> + // SAFETY: `ptr` has been created by `Self::alloc_store_data`.
> + let priv_ptr = unsafe { ptr.as_ptr().sub(data.offset) };
> +
> + // SAFETY: `priv_ptr` has previously been allocatored with this `Allocator`.
> + unsafe { libc_free(priv_ptr.cast()) };
> + }
> +}
> +
> +unsafe impl Allocator for Cmalloc {
> + fn alloc(layout: Layout, flags: Flags) -> Result<NonNull<[u8]>, AllocError> {
> + if layout.size() == 0 {
> + return Ok(NonNull::slice_from_raw_parts(NonNull::dangling(), 0));
> + }
> +
> + let ptr = Self::alloc_store_data(layout)?;
> +
> + if flags.contains(__GFP_ZERO) {
> + // SAFETY: `Self::alloc_store_data` guarantees that `ptr` points to memory of at least
> + // `layout.size()` bytes.
> + unsafe { ptr.as_ptr().write_bytes(0, layout.size()) };
> + }
This makes me wonder, what other flags should we handle for this
> +
> + Ok(NonNull::slice_from_raw_parts(ptr, layout.size()))
> + }
> +
> unsafe fn realloc(
> - _ptr: Option<NonNull<u8>>,
> - _layout: Layout,
> - _flags: Flags,
> + ptr: Option<NonNull<u8>>,
> + layout: Layout,
> + flags: Flags,
> ) -> Result<NonNull<[u8]>, AllocError> {
> - panic!();
> + let src: NonNull<u8> = if let Some(src) = ptr {
> + src.cast()
Why the cast?
> + } else {
> + return Self::alloc(layout, flags);
> + };
You should be able to write this instead:
let Some(src) = ptr else {
return Self::alloc(layout, flags);
> +
> + if layout.size() == 0 {
> + // SAFETY: `src` has been created by `Self::alloc_store_data`.
This is not true, consider:
let ptr = alloc(size = 0);
Alloc will return a dangling pointer due to the first if statement and
then this function will pass it to `free_read_data`, even though it
wasn't created by `alloc_store_data`.
This isn't forbidden by the `Allocator` trait function's safety
> + unsafe { Self::free_read_data(src) };
> +
> + return Ok(NonNull::slice_from_raw_parts(NonNull::dangling(), 0));
> + }
> +
> + let dst = Self::alloc(layout, flags)?;
> +
> + // SAFETY: `src` has been created by `Self::alloc_store_data`.
> + let data = unsafe { Self::data(src) };
Same issue here, if the allocation passed in is zero size. I think you
have no other choice than to allocate even for zero size requests...
Otherwise how would you know that they are zero-sized.
> +
> + // SAFETY: `src` has previously been allocated with this `Allocator`; `dst` has just been
> + // newly allocated. Copy up to the smaller of both sizes.
> + unsafe {
> + ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(
> + src.as_ptr(),
> + dst.as_ptr().cast(),
> + cmp::min(layout.size(), data.size),
> + )
> + };
> +
> + // SAFETY: `src` has been created by `Self::alloc_store_data`.
> + unsafe { Self::free_read_data(src) };
> +
> + Ok(dst)
> }
> }
> --
> 2.46.0