Re: [PATCH v4 1/2] iommu/arm-smmu-v3: Match Stall behaviour for S2
From: Nicolin Chen
Date: Fri Aug 30 2024 - 12:31:56 EST
On Fri, Aug 30, 2024 at 11:03:47AM +0000, Mostafa Saleh wrote:
> According to the spec (ARM IHI 0070 F.b), in
> "5.5 Fault configuration (A, R, S bits)":
> A STE with stage 2 translation enabled and STE.S2S == 0 is
> considered ILLEGAL if SMMU_IDR0.STALL_MODEL == 0b10.
> Also described in the pseudocode “SteIllegal()”
> if STE.Config == '11x' then
> [..]
> if eff_idr0_stall_model == '10' && STE.S2S == '0' then
> // stall_model forcing stall, but S2S == 0
> return TRUE;
> Which means, S2S must be set when stall model is
> "ARM_SMMU_FEAT_STALL_FORCE", but currently the driver ignores that.
> Although, the driver can do the minimum and only set S2S for
> “ARM_SMMU_FEAT_STALL_FORCE”, it is more consistent to match S1
> behaviour, which also sets it for “ARM_SMMU_FEAT_STALL” if the
> master has requested stalls.
If I read the SteIllegal() correctly, it seems S2S would conflict
against the STE.EATS settings?
// Check ATS configuration
if ((sec_sid == SS_NonSecure && SMMU_IDR0.ATS == '1') ||
(sec_sid == SS_Realm && SMMU_R_IDR0.ATS == '1')) &&
STE.Config != 'x00' then
// Needs to be NS/Realm, ATS enabled, and not Bypass
if STE.EATS == '01' && STE.S2S == '1' then
// Full ATS mode
if STE.Config == '11x' || constr_unpred_EATS_S2S then
// if stage 2 enabled or CONSTRAINED UNPREDICTABLE for SMMUv3.0
return TRUE;
So, if master->stall_enabled and master->ats_enabled, there would
be a bad STE?