Re: [syzbot] Monthly rdma report (Aug 2024)
From: Zhu Yanjun
Date: Sat Aug 31 2024 - 00:02:46 EST
在 2024/8/27 16:43, syzbot 写道:
Hello rdma maintainers/developers,
This is a 31-day syzbot report for the rdma subsystem.
All related reports/information can be found at:
During the period, 1 new issues were detected and 0 were fixed.
In total, 5 issues are still open and 60 have been fixed so far.
Some of the still happening issues:
Ref Crashes Repro Title
<1> 33 No INFO: task hung in disable_device
<2> 24 No WARNING in rxe_pool_cleanup
I devled into this problem. From the call trace,we can go to this function:
void rxe_dealloc(struct ib_device *ib_dev)
struct rxe_dev *rxe = container_of(ib_dev, struct rxe_dev, ib_dev);
rxe_pool_cleanup(&rxe->pd_pool); <---- Here
rxe_dealloc -- > rxe_pool_cleanup
It seems that pd_pool is not empty when pd_pool is cleaned up.
But from the call trace, it is difficult to find out why pd_pool not empty.
I am not sure if this problem can be reproduced or not.
If it can be reproduced, we can monitor alloc_pd and dealloc_pd
functions to check if these 2 functions are matched.
Normally the number of invoked alloc_pd should be equal to the number of
And alloc_pd and dealloc_pd functions can be called via function
pointers. So these 2 functions can be called from many places. Thus, it
is difficult to check these 2 functions in source codes.
If it can be reproduced, we can use kprobe,bpf or add call traces to
mointor the usages of the 2 functions. Then it is easier to find out why
pd_pool not empty.
This is based on the fact that we can reproduce this problem.^_^
Zhu Yanjun
<3> 2 No possible deadlock in sock_set_reuseaddr
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