Re: [PATCH v5 1/7] dt-bindings: connector: Add mikrobus-connector

From: Ayush Singh
Date: Sat Aug 31 2024 - 14:11:56 EST

But here you can have subnodes, no? These could then be just
enumerated as usual.

&mikrobus_board {
mikrobus_gpio: gpio {
#gpio-cells = <1>;

spi {
cs-gpios = <&mikrobus_gpio 1>;

spi@0 {
compatible = "mydevice";
reg = <0>;

Hi, I am now working on an approach for mikroBUS based on the apprach described here: [1]

I am thinking of the gpio-controller approach you seem to have used here. So I wanted to inquire if there already exists a gpio-controller driver that can create a proxy controller that forwards stuff to the underlying actual controller. So something like the following:

&mikrobus_gpio: gpio {


    #gpio-cells = <2>;

    gpios = <&gpio1 0>, <&gpi2 1>;


spi {

    cs-gpios = <&mikrobus_gpio 1 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;


There does exist gpio0-virtio, but that seems to be for vm context.


Ayush Singh